Re: MagiCall v21015
Anyone using this one sucessfully?
I tried installing it on my Touch Pro and its not working properly.
It installs just fine, however it will not allow me to select calls from the Call History. When attempting to view Call History calls, it is blank.
However I installed...
Okay... now this thing is officially cool as shit....
I thought I had the newest version when I downloaded it earlier today, but it seems I did have an old version.
The new one works like a charm!
HUmm... I actually thought that it may have been ThrottleLock or at least some deriviation of it, however for some reason when I installed Throttle Lock on my Touch Pro, it didint work as well as it did for Dash in that video.
It did not really allow me to do diagional motions as well as it...
Dash, I checked out your vid on YouTube, (courtsey of Kaos) gotta say its a nice vid.
My question is regarding the G1 like locking application that you have on your Touch Pro, what is that app and where can I get it from? That is single handedly one of the coolest apps I have seen for the Touch...