Recent content by shacklock

  1. S

    NueROM Touch Pro 1st Rom Released

    Thank you for the heads up. Is there a way to load the rom into cooking software and convert it? I really like the features of the touch pro and would like to have them on my mogul.
  2. S

    NueROM Touch Pro 1st Rom Released

    How do i make this rom work with my mogul?? I know someone has to know..
  3. S


    It looks very nice! I hope it gets released for the Mogul!!!
  4. S

    N1ghtm4r3 Rom!

    can someonw send me the link to download the nightmare rom? the link for the rapidshare is not working. thanks
  5. S

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    admin edited: infraction issued posting in wrong thread. asking for support which has no relevant to this title
  6. S

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    So I take the rom file, put it on the card, hold power and camera buttons down, and put the stylus in the reset hole. What do I do when I get the colored screen? At the bottom in the wharea, it says "serial". At this point, I dont have any options. I can get to the colored screen but from there...
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    I am having trouble with loading the custom rom. I cant seem to get it to load. I used the sd card, formatted it, and loaded the file. It says it was a success. How do I load load the fuck sprint rom?
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    I downloaded the release 1. How do I install it? It's a NBH file. I have never woked with these files before. Please help?
  9. S

    Hi from shacklock

    Hi shacklock, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...