Recent content by SpdRacer

  1. S

    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    ohh yeah? damn i didnt know..loll idk what that means but it sounds pretty good..thanks for the link, im goanna go check it out now =)
  2. S

    Sprint Touch Pro 2 Specs released

    hmmm wow..nicee..i wonder how big it is in your hand compared to the first touch pro..hmm looks a lil bigger hmm..the bigger screen is def nice..i also wonder how the speaker phone is..
  3. S

    Goth Cyber Noob Here

    Welcome to the forums, the people on here are very helpful so dont be shy..have fun
  4. S

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    PROBEX..ive seen alot of your work on youtube from DASH and on the forums just being on here a day or so and i gotta admit that you are one hell of an artist..keep up the good work...
  5. S

    new guy

    THANK YOU everyone for your encouragement and good minded help, i appreciate everyone's help on starting off on the right foot. I feel that my time on the forum with you guys and more will def be alot of fun as well as very useful. Thanks again...
  6. S

    Umm Hello

    Welcome to the forums, there are some nice people here. enjoy
  7. S

    new guy

    thank you for the help, well appreciated
  8. S

    new guy

    hey, im new to this site, just trying to do whats needed to start downloading..thanks:soldier: