Recent content by srelysian

  1. srelysian

    D/\SH'S Official Rev A Rom Review

    I hate to be rude, but it appears you have not read anything in this forum before deciding to mod your phone at all. I highly suggest you do a bit of research before doing anything of the sort, because if you do it wrong, there's the slight possibility of bricking your phone. If you are...
  2. srelysian

    How to map a non-installed exe to a hard button

    By hard-button do you mean, the buttons not normally supported for mapping, or just any hardware button on phone (like the voice activation button, etc). Because I use Airomap which came in exe form with no installer, and all I did was copy then "paste as shortcut" into <My Device>\Windows\Start...
  3. srelysian

    Sniper and the 6800

    I've actually tried sniper, and I am guessing you had the same issue I did. It doesn't function on the 6800, I am not sure if it has to do with the WM version or the phone hardware not being supported. I found a similar program called Bluezard, which does alot of the same things.. and seems to...
  4. srelysian

    D/\SH'S Official Rev A Rom Review

    I wasn't making an assumption. Perhaps what I posted was written improperly, if that's the case I apologize. What I meant was, when I visited the official HTC site, I couldn't get it to refresh, and therefore couldn't get the ROM directly from HTC's page. I don't know why my browser refused to...
  5. srelysian

    D/\SH'S Official Rev A Rom Review

    Was going to post a link to the official file since the page wouldn't refresh for me (despite other pages stating it was listed), but it counts it as spam because of my low post count. excellent review btw.
  6. srelysian

    Hi from srelysian

    Hi srelysian, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...