Recent content by stunna10201

  1. S

    [MUST-READ] D/\SH'S Newest 1-20-09

    Re: D/\SHS Newest 1-20-09 Look like you smoke as good as you look out for us on this site Dashy! :PDT_Armataz_45:
  2. S

    [INFO] What Browser You Currently Use

    Still on IE, but I keep Firefox for certain things!
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    Diamond to Pro

    Naw no theft...I just talked to the employee and he said cool as long as I got it from a store...just wanna know if they can tell.
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    Diamond to Pro

    Can they look in the system and see where I got the phone from when I go to the store? He asked did I get it from radio Shack.
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    Diamond to Pro

    right. Got it yesterday activated it not enough memory, the store I went to yesterday had the pro and I wanna trade it.
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    Diamond to Pro

    the lady told me their not gonna make that switch in store cause I didn't buy it there. What should I tell the store when I call and get ready to go... don't wanna blow it.
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    Diamond to Pro

    How do I do that? And I slapped it with OMJ Rom...
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    Diamond to Pro

    How difficult would it be to go in a corporated store and switch a diamond I activated yesterday for the Pro? I bought the phone off the street, does that matter?
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    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    AMJ is the best site that makes the technical, tangable. I thank ya'll everytime I pick up my phone...(waiting to buy my pro).
  10. S

    I was promised free touch pro

    I just got off the phone with Sprint and the dude actually asked me how much do I wanna pay...I told him I was gettin the rapheal for free with Verizon, so I'll pack up and go. He said look I can't give it to you for free so how much did you want to pay. I told him 250 he said he'll add...
  11. S

    Can G1s rotating map app go on Touch pro

    Thanx a mil D/\:bravo:sh!
  12. S

    Can G1s rotating map app go on Touch pro

    I was curious to see if the app for G1's moving map can be put on the touch pro or diamond? Thanx in advance!:toothy5:
  13. S

    Call Firewall v1.1

    Re: Call Firewall v11 this is a live app. greatly appreciated!
  14. S

    Clean Black/Silver MS 2.1 Theme/Dialer/Today Theme in a .CAB!

    Re: Clean Black/Silver MS 21 Theme/Dialer/Today Theme in a CAB You got a live dialer skin was just what I was looking 4!