Recent content by sza34

  1. S

    Brand New Mogul Vs. Upgraded Mogul

    You went to a crappy service center. All that it takes to fix that is a housing replacement. They should be able to at least take the motherboard out of your current phone and put it in the new housing so you basically keep the same phone.
  2. S

    Does anyone know where

    Yea, I already checked, no luck yet. The only problem with dummy housings is that sometimes the back/battery clips are fused to the real housings. Normally that wouldnt matter, but since I want a different color, I cant use my existing clip. I will probably have to wait a bit.
  3. S

    Does anyone know where

    ....I can get a CDMA housing for the Touch in any color other than black? I'd like the Alltel silver or any of the GSM colors, but from what Ive read the GSM housing will not work because its 2mm smaller and the camera is in a different place.
  4. S

    A couple of settings questions

    I did a search first and saw where you said this a few days ago, however it didnt work and I put the tunes every windows folder I have.....but it did work when I converted the file to a wav file from mp3 format. I should have been more clear.....if you know of a way to keep the files mp3 that...
  5. S

    A couple of settings questions

    Is there a way to change the sound/music of the alarm? I can change it for text, etc via the notifications menu, but cannot seem to change the alarm tones.... Also, is there a way to change all your contacts at once from being listed by last name to first? I only see a way to do it one by one...
  6. S


    Im not sure if you can set up Sprints calltones this way (I dont use them, I hate that it says, "enjoy this calltone") but when I was with ATT, you cant alternate them, BUT you could set up alternate tones by setting a timeframe. Basically, one song from say, noon to 2, another 2-4 and you could...
  7. S

    XP Shutdown missing

    I dunno how it disappeared. Did you ever do a hard reset...that would kill it? If you want to reinstall it the program is right here on the site.
  8. S

    XP Shutdown missing

    I assume you bought yours from someone---not a retail store? The XP Shutdown is not a built in program. Its a 3rd party app. Its not called XP Shutdown though, look for a program called psshut. If that isnt there, look for the sticky of Dash's mods, its in there---you can re-install it.
  9. S

    XP Shutdown missing

    I have both programs and I just checked and psshut is an option for my launcher. If my phone were yours this is what Id do... Go to the launcher tab and double check to see if psshut is an option.... If not, go to the launcher on the Today screen (if you run the extra tabs to customize it) and...
  10. S

    HTC Touch display quality

    This is only my opinion, so take this for what its worth.... The Q sucks. Now way around it. There is nothing even remotely exciting about it and its buggier than Sprints Razrs...okay maybe thats stretching it. The QC9 is supposedly better (than the Q) and I havent seen any yet as a tech, but...
  11. S

    Closing Programs on the Touch

    One program is all it takes....I found a cool keyboard (i forgot the name) where each key had two letters and when you click it you just move your finger right or left. It was awesome in theory but it locked my device tighter than GI Joes kung fu grip. At the time it was the only app I had...
  12. S

    Resco Explorer KeyGen

    I was having the same problem...instead of using all 3 fields of keygen as the code, only use one box. That allowed me to forego the trial version.
  13. S


    There is a stereo bluetooth out by Motorola called the Rokr. They are double earbuds and there is a band that wraps around your head. You can probably find them online pretty cheap, but are about $100 retail. Sound quality is great.
  14. S

    Closing Programs on the Touch

    There could be thousands of reasons why your touch is running slow. Sounds like you close out your unused apps, which is good, but there could be a conflicting application (Check out the sticky {red} conflicting list), could be too many programs running before you close them out, could be too...
  15. S

    Resco Explorer KeyGen

    Not sure if this makes a difference, but I have winrar on my pc desktop and install Resco through there. When sync'd, just click Resco and it asks to click install on your phone. Try it with winrar.