Recent content by vicko5000

  1. V

    How to Dye Your Touch Pro Battery Cover

    awesome.. thanks for the response guys i wasn't looking forward to having that alltel stamp on there.. guess ill get some RIT dye tomorrow
  2. V

    How to Dye Your Touch Pro Battery Cover

    instead of dying black what do you guys think of this black Altell back cover? Im worried that if i dye it will rub off on my clothes, since you guys mentioned it will fade in a few months.. Does it fade to the point of seeing silver underneath? you guys did an awesome job with the bright...
  3. V

    Sup guys

    new to the AMJ just wanted to say hi. still getting used to the forum format . thanks for having all this info in one place.. thing is ive been trying to find out the step by step on dye the TP back cover and cant.. but im sure ill find in any second now! Thanks again!