Recent content by XESSIVEMINDS

  1. X

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    XESSIVECELLS that SALE --------- New Post Merged on 19/10/2009 at 10:50:09 -------- Cells that sales
  2. X

    Tweaks for TP2

    how to disable the message sent notification everytime i send a text either use Advanced Configuration (easy) or edit the registry Registry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings Key: SMSNoSentMsg (dWord) Value: 0 = disabled 1 = enabled if you change it to 2 it will disable in windows and...
  3. X

    Not much just mine

    Just some toys ---------
  4. X

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Probexdesign goes live

    Re Probexdesign goes live Just got my new skin from Probex for my touch pro 2 looks awesome!! keep up the good work! Would love to see a black theme.
  5. X

    New member

    Hi This Is Xessiveminds . Sorry haven't posted anything yet. Working 122.4 hours a week never home.
  6. X


    Hi XESSIVEMINDS, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...