Recent content by ZipperLips

  1. ZipperLips

    Angie's tats

    Re: Angie's tats.......... ooooo I was gonna say, that needle on the bone area is tough, lol. looks coo:great:
  2. ZipperLips

    Post Your Pics Here

    Why thank u. :Drogar-BigGrin(LBG) Yeah I just saw the "show you tatts" thread after I posted in here..
  3. ZipperLips

    most recent inkage

    had the outline for 6 months? and the color in in May.
  4. ZipperLips

    Post Your Pics Here

    I've had a shave & a haircut since then, lol. & that is my daughter Nyota. she'll be 5 on Sept. 20th. my right arm tatt
  5. ZipperLips

    Whats happenin' =D

    I finally registered after seeing a vid on the tube. So yeah, wheres the cookies n punch ? :headbang: