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  • thanks man im really just now starting to get into the whole extreme customizing thing.. i just flashed my first custom rom like 2 weeks ago and ive had windows phones for like 2 years now. thank you im gonna keep goin on this i love flashin custom roms
    hey u! heh been a while since i got a visitor message from someone lol sup with u? me still on vacaton (i think?) lol
    Thanks bro but whe dont celebrate that whit us 21 july lol but happy 4july to you bro

    grtz cyber weesje
    Thanks bro, its was pretty cool, my brother and his family and mine, and two of my nephews went out to dinner, and than watched the fire works. It was cool watching my little girls reaction to the fireworks. How was yours?? hope your was as good as mine!!
    haha no problemo bro i see you around the forums a lot you seem to be keepin busy try to add a lot of the regulars :)
    Hey cutie! Thanx for stopping by. Love what youve done with the place LOL. Feel free to drop in anytime
    Yep yep man...hey thanks for all the good shit you been putting out lately! Usually if I see you posted something I end up installing cause it's always good stuff. How bout yourself? I have just been working a lot lately so it kinda gets in the way of my goals here on SPJ. I make time at work but it's often interrupted...cause I'm at work,lol, and I get pissed..lol..like ****ing what do you want can't you see I'm a junkie..hahaha....well thanks again bro and keep up the good work, glad to have people like you on the site.
    what are you kidding!!! you have lots of post here!!! specially in the windows mobile games section!!!! you are one really cool chick!!!!!! lol
    hey there! thanks for stopping by to say hello :) hope u had a great week :) now lets get ready for the weekend :yahoo:...:lol:
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