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  • sorry dash been busy all week will send my ppc to you with the dough on the back by the battery so let me know when you get it thanks
    hey Bro....sorry for interrupting....if you people using that Cricket Rom that I put together have no complaints or suggestions for improvement, I will post it to the ROM section.....I appreciate all the help you have provided me in so many threads that I have read......without your shared wisdom I NEVER would have gotten to where I am now.........Best wishes
    Kewl....i will give it another couple of weeks......if it is running tight for them, I will post and work on cooking up some more!!!!!!!!!! Hot damn! I might be getting some "mad skills" as my 7 year old loves to say!
    hey bro...sorry for interrupting....your peoples get hooked up on the Cricket ROM i posted....I would like to know if they found anything that needs to be fixed prior to posting in ROM section.......
    thanks for that shout out dash. good luck with your CNET adventure and good luck son. You got any VGA devices sittin around that i can have just to mess with? lol
    hello i would like to make my ps 3 run garmin xt as well as make calls....can you help me?
    hey do you think that you can make me some of those battery covers for my TP and i will give you money for them and ++$ for doing it
    Wuz Good Dash, Just wanted to say that the Roms you guys create are awesome. One question, How do I get that new ATR 6.5 Rom your rockin? I already have a 6.5 on my phone as of 2 days ago but its a little buggy. Not tryin to bite off your phone but its hot! Appreciate your time
    hi dash, i'm a total noob dummy in here, i've just got registered, and i don't know what to do, i'm still reading the noob guide. anyway, thanx 4 support this webpage with infos about pdas and stuff.
    thanx very much!!!
    Happy birthday to IT!
    Even though I don't give a s-h-i-t.
    It's nice to wish people happy birthday.
    So what the hell should I say. lol JK!!!! BRO!!! THANKS MAN FOR ALL HELP!!! WITH OUT YOU MAN THIS WEB PAGE WOULD BE SHIT!!! HAVE A GOOD ONE!! BRO!!â™ â™ â™ 
    Whats up DASH new to this site pretty good and my 6900 Vogue and i really want to join the member group to learn more on upgrades and such willing to learn more and love all ur vids on new programes good work. thanks tuscani915
    hey d/\sh i love the way u do all of ur phones i think i looked at almost all of ur youtube videos. i currently have the htc 6800 but im gettin the htc pro in two weeks and i would love for u to help me out. im not really a "noob" but im not a genius either;-)... but if u get any free time from doing all of ur requests for help on other ppl's devices.... i would like to have the same as ur wm7 with help from probex and ninesicks. or maybe if u have something more up-to-date i love the little hack to change the start screen name to ur personal name. anywayz overall i give u mad props keep it up!
    Datoria p.
    yo dash, i want your system. I have a tarus that still has the factory tape player. i have a new sprint pro for trade. oh yea treo or htc your choice. i can give you the esn if you want... also have a few other high end phones. couple from verison and couple from sprint.... let me know whats up.
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