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  • hey um you think you can help me put a theme on my phone and some like apps on it? i would try it myself but i feel like i might mess it up know what i mean?
    hello there ♥Littledaisy♥, whats up??? just stopping by to say Hi!! so there Hi !!! lol
    hit me up if anything ok!! L8TZ...♪♪♫
    Hey thank u for pointing that out, I forgot I disabled those! Those options are now turned on.
    hey MillerTime..i cant respond to you cuz you have your pm's and your visitors messages disabled.. :)....but anywho thanks for the add!!
    So your DJ that is cool how long have you been doing it for , I have lot of friends that are into that
    That is cool I need to get a Touch Pro there are way more Rom's out there than are for the Diamond lol. But I like my Diamond just some days wish I had a keyboard lmao
    Yeah i use to be active all the time lol, but now i have my laptop back you will see me on the forum all the time
    LOL that what i was gonna say...... I want that title too altho I am not God Like how you lmao. If my laptop wouldnt havent went out probably be there !!!!!!
    Hi Daisy, Thanks for your help. I have two questions that I hope you can answer for me, please. I am interested in installing the theme TF7X by probex and he recommends that the user make modifications to the HTC registry. I have gone through all of the menus on my device and cannot find how to get to my registry. Second question is do you think if I modify the registry, install the new theme, then at a later date I use the Touchflo 3D config utility to reset my theme, do you think it would go back to the original registry entries? Thanks, Bob/bob.hanson@us.checkpoint.com
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