11 May 2023
- Core:
- Fix inconsistent float negation in constant expressions.
- Fixed bug GH-8841 (php-cli core dump calling a badly formed function).
- Fixed bug GH-10737 (PHP 8.1.16 segfaults on line 597 of sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c).
- Fixed bug GH-11028 (Heap Buffer Overflow in zval_undefined_cv.).
- Fixed bug GH-11108 (Incorrect CG(memoize_mode) state after bailout in ??=).
- Date:
- Fixed bug where the diff() method would not return the right result around DST changeover for date/times associated with a timezone identifier.
- Fixed out-of-range bug when converting to/from around the LONG_MIN unix timestamp.
- DOM:
- Fixed bug #80602 (Segfault when using DOMChildNode::before()).
- Fixed incorrect error handling in dom_zvals_to_fragment().
- Exif:
- Fixed bug GH-9397 (exif read : warnings and errors : Potentially invalid endianess, Illegal IFD size and Undefined index).
- Intl:
- Fixed bug GH-11071 (TZData version not displayed anymore).
- Fixed bug GH-10968 (Segfault in preg_replace_callback_array()).
- Reflection:
- Fixed bug GH-10983 (State-dependant segfault in ReflectionObject::getProperties).
- SPL:
- Handle indirect zvals and use up-to-date properties in SplFixedArray::__serialize.
- Standard:
- Streams:
- Fixed bug GH-10406 (feof() behavior change for UNIX based socket resources).