* =====================================================================================
* Project: QaasWall for Windows
* Description: Automatically block IPs with toomany connections.
* Version: 1.0.2
* Created: 21 March 2010
* Revision: none
* Author: Martin H , Chief Research and Development Officer.
* Company: www.eukhost.com
* Copyrights: QaasWall (C) Martin H - www.eukhost.com 2010
* =====================================================================================
QaasWall For Windows.
The Story Behind
I have been working on how to block IP Addresses on Windows server for 2 years due to the fact that Windows 2003 Server did not have any option in the default firewall to block a single IP address and these is the reason I was curious to create something that would allow us to block a single IP address on the server. Then we found IP security policy which looked a bit complicated and difficult to configure however we managed to master it in no time. We have always faced numerous attack on our Windows server specially a brute force attack on the MSSQL master login “sa†and it use to be a pain in back side to block single IP address every time. This was the only reason (or you can call it a desperate need) why QaasWall was brought to life.
About QaasWall
After thinking allot I decided to name the firewall as QaasWall. The word “Qaas†in Arabic means Tough which spells it as ToughWall.
QaasWall basically uses IP security policy to block IP address and if you install QaasWall, all your previous rules would get disabled and it works in layers which are mentioned below:
1. It will scan all the standard ports DNS, MSSQL, MySQL, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, SSL and Sharing on the server and save its out put in a file, which is saved in the /temp directory, with the info on how many connections does each IP address have on them.
2. Any IP that has more than 100 connection at the time of scan will be blocked using Windows IP security Policy, named “Qaas Policyâ€Â. Any IP address that has been already blocked, added in white list file or belong to the server will be ignored.
3. Currently QaasWall creates 2 schedule tasks, QassWall and Qaas Empty, one of it is to scan services every 5 mins and other to delist IP addresses after 24 hours.
4. The IP will remain blocked for 24 hours (max) and Qaas will release the IP address then.. These setting can be changed by rescheduling the Task.
QaasWall also has a white list file where you can add IP that you want to be safe. Any IP that belong to the server or is already blocked or is added in the white list, will be ignored.
Basically users does not need to make any efforts other than running the setup on the server. Qaas has 2 built in programs in itself:
usage : blocq
This will block the IP address on the server, it can be used manually if you want to manually block IP addresses.
usage : ublocq
This command will remove the IP address from the firewall.
Run following commands to uninstall it:
netsh ipsec stat delete policy name="Qaas Policy"
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %P IN ("%windir%\old_path.log") DO SET PATH=%P
SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "Qaas Empty" /f
SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "Qaas Wall" /f
rmdir /Q /S %systemdrive%\Qaas\