Search results

  1. M

    Popularity Contest

    i give phe-nom a 10 for his really good and very creative username!! PheNomEnaL lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. M

    whats up guys

    welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would want and desire for your phone...
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    Popularity Contest

    i give D/\SH a 10 for such a good suspension warning and for getting mad lol!!!!
  4. M

    I Win

    no you cant i win!!!
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    This or that

    emergency tv show cops or Firefighter???
  6. M

    [NEWS] Cyber weesje thanks spj donators

    ha ha ha !!!! man im so happy for you bro!!! the fact that your happy makes me happy!!!! you make lots of people on here happy everyday!!! you always help someone on here which makes lots of ppl happy and you get to find some of the best and news app and stuff!!!! glad i was a small part of...
  7. M

    This or that

    women!!! MILF!!! lol pizza or burgers???
  8. M

    My New and Improved Desktop

    lol yeah dont forget the miracles of Hot Keys
  9. M

    This or that

    Jackie chan!!! his funny!!! Bing or Google????
  10. M

    Hi guys

    welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would want and desire for your phone...
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    [Theme] S2U2 Theme Blue_girl

    man this is sexy!!!!! nice post bro!!!
  12. M

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    lol!!!! man i have not been on here at AMJ because i have been busy with summer school and all!!! i have officially finished 2 years of college!!! yeah!!! and well now i have time to on here and well this thread was the fist thread i wanted to see!!! lol last time i checked it was on pg 83 lol...
  13. M

    Hi guys

    welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would want and desire for your phone...
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    mY BABY

    man that is one really good looking bike there bro!!!! nice!!! i wish i can get one lol wife dont let me get a bike!!! lol
  15. M

    Hey everyone

    Well first things first‚¦.. Whats up Bro!!! and welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much...
  16. M

    This or that

    lol!!!! spit..! linux or mac????
  17. M

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Help Weesje out

    lol no problem bro!!! you really deserve it bro!!!! ill be sending 30$ more in addition to the last 30$ i just sent!!! sorry i have not been here as much and sorry for the late transaction bro!!! once summer is over ill have all the time in the world to hang out here again lates my brothers and...
  18. M

    ha ha ha your first visitor massage lol!!! whats up??? just stopping by to say whats up!!! been...

    ha ha ha your first visitor massage lol!!! whats up??? just stopping by to say whats up!!! been seeing you alot in here keep it up bro!!! L8tz!!!
  19. M

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Help Weesje out

    First of all thanks SUPERMAN for the acknowledgment for my man Weesje!!! Second sorry for being late guys!!! ok well weesje my man!! you and i pm each other often and you always help me out bro!!! you really help out alot, alot of people out here!!! everyday people singout of AMJ happy with...
  20. M

    Person Above Me Game

    lol yeah i get that shit alot!!! i hate it!!! i get fun of all the time!!! im 21 and people always think im like 17 and shit!!! lol its hard to get a single beer!!! lol the person above me is very smart!! and is learning very fast!!!