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  1. M


    Well first things first‚¦.. welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would...
  2. M

    sup phone geeks =)

    Well first things first‚¦.. Whats up Bro!!! and welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much...
  3. M

    [UPDATES] weesje my 3 desktops lol NEW WINDOWS 7 RC 08/06/09 GAMERS DESKTOP NVIDIA

    yeah bro thast one really nice background!!! is it a dreamscene??
  4. M

    New member here

    Well first things first‚¦..welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would want...
  5. M

    [NEWS] Desperate for a Pre woman uses car to create Sprints first drive-thru

    lol maybe it was a late phone bill she just had to really pay asap!! lol
  6. M

    Need TOuch pro

    lol yeah bro good luck!! why dont you simply keep saving up and get the new touch pro 2 coming up??
  7. M

    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    im with you bro!!! im starting to think that there are many members here that are taking advantage of this great web page!!! one of the reason why i brought back this conversation was because i wanted people to really have his or her say in this and voted yes so this would actually happen we...
  8. M

    Happy Birthday to me

    happy bday!!!
  9. M

    New I be

    Well first things first‚¦. welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would want...
  10. M

    [ALERT] Sigs Size

    thanks bro!! ok well if my sig is good well here is my size dimensions 550 x 240 width 550 pixels height 204 pixels i thinks this is the correct size of mine but if not ill double check once i get home!!
  11. M

    [ALERT] Sigs Size

    thanks boss!! hey do i need to re-size my sig???? if so ill do it once i get home im about to take my last final exam!!! yeah:yahoo:
  12. M

    [ALERT] [ ISSUE SOLVED ] weesje needs new sig

    Re: weesje needs new sig lol glad you like it bro!! if you want me to change anything just let me know!!! lol i was getting worried that you may not like it!! lol thanks it will be really cool having someone like you to carry my sig around thanks bro!!! it means alot to me lol!!! now i know...
  13. M

    [ALERT] [ ISSUE SOLVED ] weesje needs new sig

    Re: weesje needs new sig well i did this sig for you bro!! its not really that good and well it don't look as good as the one my man thermus just did for you but.., well hope you like!!!.. and if you don't lol can u at least just use it for one day lol thanks bro!!!
  14. M

    first timer

    Well first things first‚¦.. welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would...
  15. M

    Seasoned Vet

    Well first things first‚¦.. welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would...
  16. M

    just bought touch pro

    Well first things first‚¦.welcome to AMJ!!! I know you will like it here, this is one of the most awesome, helpful and informative sites that you will ever be in. The staffs here are great and helpful, and the members are also cool and funny. This site has pretty much everything you would want...
  17. M

    [MUST-READ] Follow me on twitter

    still no answer??? lol ok ill wait!!!
  18. M

    3 High-Tech Weapons that Dont Look the Part

    3 High-Tech Weapons that Don't Look the Part!!! just check it out!!!
  19. M

    TaylorSPJs World

    the important thing is that you know just were everything is at lol!! right???
  20. M

    Dashs Touch Pro Seidio Case Review

    "easy to access all you holes" lol