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  1. J

    [NEWS] Sprint Windows Mobile 65 being tested

    Re Re Sprint Windows Mobile 65 being tested Its good bc ill be flashing to a custom 6.5 rom bro
  2. J

    sprint sucks

    Re sprint sucks For some reason i cant post ? ill try to get u that link bro --------- New Post Merged on 29/10/2009 at 09:42:10 --------
  3. J

    sprint sucks

    Re Re sprint sucks Here ya go bro plz dont copy mine till i change it thanks :
  4. J

    sprint sucks

    Re Re sprint sucks Here is the link plenty of avatars there bro , just plz dont copy mine until i change mine thanks :
  5. J

    [NEWS] Sprint Windows Mobile 65 being tested

    Sprint Exec David Owens took part in a virtual chat today, and Gearlog kibbitzed. Here's the pertinent Windows Mobile info: * They're currently testing official Windows Mobile 6.5 updates for the HTC Touch Pro 2 and other phones. Look for them early next year. * They want Windows Mobile...
  6. J

    sprint sucks

    Re sprint sucks Same thing happened to me bro i just went today bc my girls phone had an oil smudge , this was her third replacment i went thinking i was going to get a tp2 nope , they said i needed to have four tp before they could exchange they do suck
  7. J

    all back ground tab

    Re all back ground tab Here ya go bro ...........................
  8. J

    all back ground tab

    Re all back ground tab Ill get that cab on my desktop bro give me a min
  9. J

    changing the home keys

    Re Re changing the home keys Thanks bro wouldve never found this , going to be very useful
  10. J

    [RELEASE] [APP][PRJ] Hydros Sync Center [Replace Active Sync]

    HYDROS SYNC CENTER Hello people. I have just released the Hydros Sync Center 4.5. In this version, it is completly redesigned in the code due to a major bug which was causing other problems with the program. Hopefully to those of you who had the bugs before, you won't have anymore from now on...
  11. J

    [RELEASE] CFay Custom RUU for CDMA Rhodium (Tp2

    Re CFay Custom RUU for CDMA Rhodium (Tp2 This thread is getting old guys , maybe we should just delete it since the unlocker is never comming out lol
  12. J

    Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

    Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2 Hey guys im going to sprint store to get my tp replaced , i call *2 talked to a rep who about how this was my third replacement , he called my sprint store which i go to , spoke to a manager and the manager said he would replace it , i asked if...
  13. J

    [HTC-PRO] [TP][651][Sprint][MurdaROM][107]

    Re Re Re [TP][651][Sprint][MurdaROM][107] Thanks for the feedback bro always good And come back with some feedback bro let us know how it works out thanks
  14. J

    [FREEWARE] Opera tweaks cabbed up for you!!!!

    Re Opera tweaks cabbed up for you Did u do a soft reset after the install ? This might not even be for ur version bro looks like this is for 9.7
  15. J

    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Microsoft issues take down notice for Windows Mobile

    XDA-Developers have always been in a pretty precarious position when it comes to Windows Mobile ROMs, with Microsoft fully aware of them, but not doing anything about the ROMs being modified and traded freely, indicating at least some form of tacit consent. It seems that consent has now been...
  16. J

    This or that

    Re This or that Vid porn duh , sucks i dont watch it anymore redlobster or olive garden
  17. J

    Thinking of going back to sprint need help

    Re Re Re Re Thinking of going back to sprint need help Lol thanks for the heads up mom lol, and i try not to do it but when i get all them important txts i have 2, and i have a bluetooth but u cant txt with it ? Hopefully that tell me app gets an update for our tp2 andill be good
  18. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Wow in 5 lol man yankess aint a joke bro --------- New Post Merged on 28/10/2009 at 08:27:45 -------- Lets go yankess lets go whooooooooooooooooooooo
  19. J

    I Win

    Re I Win Im sexier i winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  20. J

    This or that

    Re Re Re Re Re Re This or that Superman lol Ny or philles