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  1. J

    Show Me

    Re Show Me Show me a pic A rod and his yankess for a great year
  2. J

    Popularity Contest

    Re Popularity Contest Il give you a 10 for joining AMJ :blob1:
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    Person Above Me Game

    Re Person Above Me Game The person above is wrong about his giants
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    This or that

    Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re This or that Evil Ruy havent plaayed it but looks amazing dont it bro Hugs or get er done
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    Htc touch pro themes

    Re Htc touch pro themes Right under Resource>scroll down to themes > and look for touchflo 3d , and no the tp2 themes are different they are Touchflo3d-2. And i would also suggest that you make a member intro if you havent done so thanks .
  6. J

    Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

    Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2 Keep it comming bro this story is getting good lol
  7. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 11/25/09 RhodiumW

    If u install something now before u flash to the update your going to lose the fix, It doesnt bro you have to install it with a simple cab out there
  8. J

    [RELEASE] Zooomer v010 HD2

    Re Zooomer v010 HD2 Right below the megaupload link is clearly states hd2 only bro ,
  9. J

    This or that

    Re This or that Brrnette toys or no toys
  10. J

    [BETA] [App] FindMe by SMS BETA 5 NEW 21/11

    Re [App] FindMe by SMS Haha thanks for feedback bro, and plz hit that marked as installed button thanks bro
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    [BETA] [App] FindMe by SMS BETA 5 NEW 21/11

    Replies with an SMS that contains GPS or CellID co-ordinates and a link to website that will show the Google map with that location marked. Works in background and does not alert user that their location is queried. Restarts automatically if phone is power cycled. The incoming SMS message must...
  12. J

    [HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

    Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC] For those of you who dont wanna mess with resistry editor try this it works that same way thanks to astronusx over at ppcgeeks for this : For simplicity, you can do the following the achieve same result as OP. 1. download Arcsoft 5 0 94...
  13. J

    [HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

    Re Re [15/11/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R3 [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC] No bro he meant he got it working with the newest version , and here u go bro after u install this u have to follow the instructions that crookbill wrote up for us and u should be good. follow up with some updates thanks and i will be...
  14. J

    [Theme] TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek

    Re TP2ALIENX PROBEX sneek peek Great work bro as always u always find a way to impress us . But like everyone is asking will u be making themes for 2.1 and 2.5 soon i know ive heard that u r going to make some and have some ides ? Dont know if this is true but AMJ needs some updates on what is...
  15. J

    [HTC-PRO2] ||BDX||21876||Sense2.5||RHOD_W||

    Re Re Bikeandestroy Rom 21876Sense2_5RHOD_W Hey 2 is always better then one bro , he said the rom will be out later tonight
  16. J

    [UPDATES] [SKIN][25/10/2009] tPRO v210 for S2U2 WVGA VGA 9/11

    Re [SKIN][25/10/2009] tPRO‚ v210 for S2U2 WVGA VGA 9/11 Yes bro this is the actual s2u2 for the touch pro , just read the above post to make sure u download the correct one for ur phone , the tp is a vga device
  17. J

    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re Re |H|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Nov 5th | Mani Dont talk to me anymore lmao jk jk , nah bro yea evey member has its opinions and u cant blame them , everyone has their ups and downs with every rom ,i really thing that it has to do with the phone on how the rom acts but...
  18. J

    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re Re |H|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Nov 5th | Mani My girl is running mighty rom at the time and she has not had any complaints bro , she been running this rom for quit a while now . she hates energy by the way
  19. J

    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re Re |H|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Nov 5th | Mani Yea pretty much bro lol ull get there one day grass hooper ( dashs word lol ). And 2,5 on tp2 is buggy as hell as well so dont think that tp2 are lucky bc most of us are running 2,1 still bc of its stabilty and great...
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    [HTC-PRO2] 11/25/09 RhodiumW

    Re Re 111509 MightyROM RhodiumW MightyROMcom Thanks for the heads up bro and ill be flashing to the newer version soon after i flash to bikeand destoyx rom