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  1. J

    [NEW] MMS Fix for Custom Manila 25 ROMs DOWNLOAD BELOW By Valkyrie/Ace10134

    Re MMS Fix for Custom Manila 25 ROMs DOWNLOAD BELOW By Valkyrie/Ace10134 Is this for picture mail or to send email ? Because i cant send pics, and i really need something to let me send pics , i tried the arsoft program but it didnt worl for me i tried this and it didnt work either
  2. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Lol drop it bro philles will be back next year for now its the yankess that tool it all And yea i think they will make it 2 the playoffs but will end up losing like the phillies did this year i think its going to be a while until a team can...
  3. J

    really cool video

    Re really cool video Now that was amazing bro thanks for the share
  4. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Will the yankess make it far next year , what do u guys think ?
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    [HTC-PRO] |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25

    Re |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25 Sorry guys when i posted this it did not have that message if i knew it was gsm i would not have posted this as i do not post gsm roms here since it seems like most peeps here have cdma devices .
  6. J

    [NEW] Golf The Open 2009 v104

    Requirements: Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6.5, WVGA Overview: Step onto the prestigious Turnberry golf course with The Open 2009. Select your golfer and begin a career taking on tournaments in Italy and Dubai to build your rank. 3D-like graphics accurately simulate the real look and feel...
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    [HTC-PRO2] EnergyROM Photon 23081/21864 |Oct 28| M

    Re Re Re EnergyROM Photon 23081/21864 #9733; |Oct 28|#9733; M Nice i think the gsm notice should be right up top where everyone can see it , i missed it right away, what do u think
  8. J

    [HTC-PRO2] EnergyROM Photon 23081/21864 |Oct 28| M

    Re EnergyROM Photon 23081/21864 #9733; |Oct 28|#9733; M Isnt this the same one i posted bro
  9. J

    [HTC-PRO] |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25

    Re |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25 He just posted this someone plz remove this thread or add gsm to the title thanks no wonder it aint working for us sorry : THIS ROM IS FOR GSM DEVICES ONLY AND IS NOT FOR CDMA. THIS IS A BETA ROM. THE ROM IS PROVIDED FOR TESTING AND PLAYING.
  10. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added I knew we were going to win once pedro was out , and i told u guys hes just to old and dont have it no more , yay yankess
  11. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Lol good luck hunting me down bro , maybe if u were a yankee fan i wouldnt be so harsh --------- New Post Merged on 4/11/2009 at 05:19:35 -------- I dont see pedro winning this one bro hes old and gets tired 2 fast hes gonna end messing...
  12. J

    [RELEASE] Arcsoft MMS_Sprint_5_0_94_128c

    Re Arcsoft MMS_Sprint_5_0_94_128c No this is only for the tp2 bro , plz use the search button to look for the version of this program
  13. J

    [HTC-PRO2] |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 /

    Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Photon (23071/21864 Hey does any one know how i can get panoramic wallpaper working on this and max manila?
  14. J

    [HTC-PRO] |RAPH|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Akeo Manila 25

    THIS ROM IS FOR GSM DEVICES ONLY AND IS NOT FOR CDMA. THIS IS A BETA ROM. THE ROM IS PROVIDED FOR TESTING AND PLAYING. |RAPH|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| Ø… EnergyROM 'Akeo' (23081/21864) Ø… |Nov4| Manila 2.5 ! Welcome to my kitchen! Here's what's on the menu today... This is an HTC...
  15. J

    [RELEASE] Max Manila 251920xx Ultimate v22

    Re Max Manila 251920xx Ultimate v22 With this cab u can change ur clocks to glass clocks found on post #67 of the same link provided
  16. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 6.5.3 ROM WWE EnergyROM Leo (28002/21869) Nov 20 Latest Sense

    Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Leo (23071/21864 #9733 Make sure u do another hard reset after the flash bro otherwise ur going to have lots of lag .
  17. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Ok there wrong subject ? So guys does the yankess take it in the bronx or does philly come back ? i think yankess got this one , yesterday we lost bc the picther did nothing but mistakes !!
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    [RELEASE] Max Manila 251920xx Ultimate v22

    Re Max Manila 251920xx Ultimate v22 Found some icons made by djcedric from XDA Post number : #1157
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    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Re Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Good im glad keep it kool guys its just baseball dont get banned, now lets go yankess game fixing to start
  20. J

    [RELEASE] Max Manila 251920xx Ultimate v22

    Re Max Manila 251920xx Ultimate v22 This is what i was going to post up dash when i told u i had clocks to post , beat me to the punch bucks and great find . Going to try thanks