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  1. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Come on guys lets keep this thread on subject , no need to start fighting and get a possible ban from AMJ. Lets keep it kool . And lets go yankess cant wait for tonight i bet superman isnt a happy man lol
  2. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added All i gotta say yes yes yes go yankess
  3. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Well u were right bro lol they won big last nite , cnt wait for tonight game hopefuly they can do it again and head back to new york
  4. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 6.5.3 ROM WWE EnergyROM Leo (28002/21869) Nov 20 Latest Sense

    Re Re Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Leo (23071/21864 #9733 Thanks for heads up bro the reason i love this rom is the animated weather so i dont thing ill be flashing to another till , some else creates something similar to this rom .
  5. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 6.5.3 ROM WWE EnergyROM Leo (28002/21869) Nov 20 Latest Sense

    Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Leo (23071/21864 #9733 Lil laggy in music and photo tab other then that rom is great on my side
  6. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 6.5.3 ROM WWE EnergyROM Leo (28002/21869) Nov 20 Latest Sense

    Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Leo (23071/21864 #9733 Weird bc im running the sameone and its running perfect n landscape , of course u have to remember that this is from the leo which does not support landscape , only on music and photos .
  7. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 11/25/09 RhodiumW

    fplCcb4zU-4 Click Here To See MightyROM In Living Color! (Big Thanks To D/\SH From androidmobilejunkie!) MightyROM RhodiumW Compatibility: Telus Mobility | Sprint PCS | Verizon Mobile | US Cellular ------------------------------------------------------ MightyROM RhodiumW Instructions: 1)...
  8. J

    [RELEASE] TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version!

    Re Re TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version Its out at ppcgeeks as well now bro go here there is a link for the sim unlocker :
  9. J

    [RELEASE] TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version!

    Re TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version I nominated this one guys all the sweat blod and tears i sheaded on this unlocker it deserves a nomination thanks dash
  10. J

    [RELEASE] TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version!

    Re Re TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version Yeap lol i actually flash my phone in the air lol thats right , while i was heading to flordia i was flashing to energy rom boy this rom is sweet i love my tp2 once again
  11. J

    [RELEASE] TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version!

    Re TP2 Hardspl CDMA Version Nice its official now whoaa
  12. J

    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    Re Re |H|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Oct 25th | Mani Have u tested his oct 28th one bro should be the fix , im downloading that one right now for my girl, ill come back with some updates
  13. J

    [RELEASE] Nfl 2010 HTC WVGA QVGA 30/10

    NFL 2010 v230Wvga Requirements: wm6.1, wm6.5 Overview: Experience real football and play for the Super Bowl against the Cardinals, Steelers and the rest of the NFL on your cell phone. Every 2010 player and over 100 plays make this a complete sports game. Get into the action with a new QB view &...
  14. J

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] Sprint NFL

    Re Sprint NFL That would be nice bro if i see something il keep a look out
  15. J

    all back ground tab

    Re Re Re all back ground tab Yea i know that , i posted this before the unlocker was released so im sure he didnt have 2.5 then.
  16. J

    [HTC-PRO2] 6.5.3 ROM WWE EnergyROM Leo (28002/21869) Nov 20 Latest Sense

    Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Leo (23071/21864 #9733 + 1 , running this one as well and everything that phenom just said about the rom i wouldve said . This rom is amazing, well report back with battery results and all just installed couple hrs ago
  17. J

    [HTC-PRO2] |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Photon" (28002/21869) ★Nov 20★ Sense 2.1 /

    Re Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Photon (23071/21864 Mine also seemed a lil laggy bro , what i did was hard rest it twice and it was good afterwards , right now it running smooth as hizzzo
  18. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Go yankess , its going to be hard for them to win game 3 in philly , but hey as long as a rod gets a hit they should be good
  19. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Thanks super for giving the yankess credit for this game they just won , and yea a couple of bad calls on both teams made the game that win that much better , so no one can say it was a lucky win for them .
  20. J

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added Sorry bro tonights yankess night