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    [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

    Re: [July 24 09] NFSFANs WM65 ROM v13 Build 21926 (Vogue) Still can't get phone as modem to work, I need it bad so might flash back to stock. I love the rom otherwise. Good battery life, fast, stable, clean, just the tethering will not work and I need it.
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    Man I would go ahead and flash but I'm still rocking my Vogue and my Palm Pre right now. I let someone borrow my Touch Pro but gonna have them flash this so I can give you some feedback. I like TF3D2 better but I been using titanium on NFSFan's rom for a while so not a big deal. Keep up the good...
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    Interview with Eric Lin

    jr5416?? AMJ Jr.... or someone yall know elsewhere... just checking...
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    PST Tweaks-Boost your Signal strength etc

    Cool, yeah I stand corrected. I read about some of this at ppcgeeks over a year ago and they may have just thought that was the case. original thread here.. So I was sharring the info, but I may change mine now since it shouldn't matter. Thanks.
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    PST Tweaks-Boost your Signal strength etc

    I MAY BE VERY WRONG... and if so I apolagize. But from what I understood Slot cycle IS just how often it pols to the tower and CAN be set to's the ACCOLC that changes your PRIORITY to that tower and 0-1 ARE FOR EMERGENCY use only. That's what I have found and read more than...
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    [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

    Re: [July 24 09] NFSFANs WM65 ROM v13 Build 21926 (Vogue) Check out D/\sh's signature OR check out or the Noob Guide and read read read... then practicce.
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    Hey there

    Hey welco9me to the site. You might want to check out USER CP and change you Windows version from 5 to .... idk.... at least 6.1, although I prefer 6.5 lol. Thanks for the proper intro and use the search feature to find yiour way around the site. Check out the NOOB Guide while your at it...
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    [TUTORIAL] Guide to changing your pagepool

    This might help. I've never really done much tweaking with my pagepool but just trying to help.
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    hi every one

    Hello welcome to the site! Enjoy and make sure you read read read and use the search feature to find what your looking for and also to help you navigate the site. Lots of goodies around here for sure
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    [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

    Re: [July 24 09] NFSFANs WM65 ROM v13 Build 21926 (Vogue) Is anyone having problems with tethering on this rom?? I have not been able to use phone as modem on v12 or v13 which I'm on now. I work at Sprint and phone as modem is even inclluded on my plan and I can't use it... sucks. I don't need...
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    [NEWS] Sprint to have Android phones this year

    We ( Sprint ) are getting the Samsung Android Google phone and so is Tmobile. It looks just like the Instinct....nothing special.. with the G1 Android OS. That's what it looks like, not sure what will be inside it. I know for fact we are getting that phone. Also another but not sure the name or...
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    This be JrockMod

    Hello welcome to the site! Enjoy and make sure you read read read and use the search feature to find what your looking for and also to help you navigate the site. Lots of goodies around here for sure!
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    Nice to meet you all

    Hello welcome to the site! Enjoy and make sure you read read read and use the search feature to find what your looking for and also to help you navigate the site. Lots of goodies around here for sure!
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    New Member

    Hello welcome to the site! Enjoy and make sure you read read read and use the search feature to find what your looking for and also to help you navigate the site. Lots of goodies around here for sure!
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] I Gots Me A Pre

    Yep... the $150.00 credit is the highest upgrade you can get. Anyone who has the $150.00 credit gets the instant savings and mail in rebates that come along with it. I'M GLAD YOU GOT YOURSELF A PRE BRO.... THAT'S AWESOME! I use my pre for everyday normal stuff, but I use WINMO or all the...
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    Blackberry Messenger Post your BB PIN

    Posting my pin baby... I think it's WINMO~4~LIFE '~' or something like that.. hit me up. :male-fighter1:
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    Hey Guys not a new member just been so busy

    Welcome back bro. Enjoy the sites changes and good timing, lol, it was just down last night actually.
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] I go by the Name Lil Jon

    Man that Crunk Juice really changed his attitude, lol.... oh hard ass..... he act's so crazy to I thinks it's funny how people put on such an act, but hey, it's entertainment and he can be entertaining so you gotta give em that. I don't care for his music but I can't hate on the man for being...
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    [NEWS] HTC adopting Android on 50% of its handsets in 2010?

    Re: HTC adopting Android on 50% of its handsets in 2010 Man I'm HTC all the way.... but I don't want to make the Android shift. Hopefully they keep a solid WinMo lineup
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    Hi All

    Yooo welcome aboard the AMJ mother ship......step into the dark side!!! ^_^ make sure you use the search feature to find what your looking for and use different words if you don't find it on 1st try. Good luck to ya! Lots of fun stuff around here! AMJ is you one stop shop!