Search results

  1. T

    I Win

    eh..i would let you win but i'd br breaking the i guess i win!
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    Ban Game

    eh..i was typing and guess i was late but forty01 should be banned for pointing that out! haha
  3. T

    Hello junkies

    welcome to AMJ. you'll love it here
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    awaken my apache from the grave

    Re Re Re awaken my apache from the grave am i invisible? haha you get it from ppcgeeks and you don't need to unlock it. apache is easier to flash then the newer phones. you just gotta make sure you find out for your bootloader
  5. T

    [NEWS] Official Update to Windows Mobile 6.5

    Re Official Update to Windows Mobile 65 haha of course not. we got the hook up :wink:
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    [NEWS] HTC HD2 Inbound to US Carriers Q1 2010.

    right now i can care less about the keyboard haha so used to onscreen of ipod now that i can do it just as fast
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    [NEWS] HTC HD2 Inbound to US Carriers Q1 2010.

    omg...this thing is lovely. this is what bear been waiting for. hope sprint gets it!
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    [BETA] Grunge Panoramic Style By PB - Portrait And Landscape BETA

    Re Grunge Panoramic Style By elboriyorker Portrait And Landscape BETA oh! eww! wow that's nasty lol hope you fix it soon elboriyorker cuz that can ruin ya lol
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    I Win

    Re I Win you're aboslutely right, you won cuz now i win :soldier:
  10. T

    New Memberr

    welcome here. you'll enjoy it
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    Ban Game

    Re Re Re Ban Game goku should be banned cuz he doesn't have time for me anymore :sad:
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    [BETA] Grunge Panoramic Style By PB - Portrait And Landscape BETA

    i haven't done themes in like forever so i have no idea what you're talking about hahaha
  13. T

    This or that

    steak (too bad can't pick both) xp or 7?
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    I Win

    Re I Win no no..that's where you're wrong. i always win :highfive:
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    Ban Game

    Re Ban Game dash should be banned cuz i dunno where he's at :sad:
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    [BETA] Grunge Panoramic Style By PB - Portrait And Landscape BETA

    looks very nice elboriyorker! great job
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    I Win

    Re Re I Win so the subject don't matter? i guess i win
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    awaken my apache from the grave

    there's a bunch of roms over at ppcgeeks. i'm on my apache now too but it's bearable..only bearable. but with the roms, you'll notice a difference, trust me. they still have an active section for apaches over there
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    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    Re AMJ Tshirts think he means that he can go ahead and start designing t-shirts.
  20. T

    Lockerz invites here

    hey this sounds cool. can you invite me? believe my email is in my profile :-)