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    [HTC-PRO] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

    Re: [ROM] [MAY0109] MightyROM 4/R3BORN sashimi makes it al the better and easier though..btw..where r u? :-(
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    HI from redtetrahedron

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Hi all

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    New Member

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    Born again user

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    [HTC-PRO] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

    Re: [ROM] [MAY0109] MightyROM 4/R3BORN i totally agree and keyboard lag is killing me! even with theh hack :-(
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    [HTC-PRO] RSTG Roms - Spb MobileShell Raph v3.28 (WM6.1) & v23017.28(WM6.5) .-. 8/24

    Re: RSTG Roms - Selboriyorker MobileShell v30 Raph v3MS311 -=No Manila=- Updated glad you like it and decided not to go 6.5 heh even though u were halfway done:connie_mykilroy:
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    [HTC-PRO] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

    Re: [ROM] [MAY0109] MightyROM 4/R3BORN oh lol yeah..some guy thinks im a noob cuz wat i said hahahah so funny
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    Post Your Pics Here

    nice looking house man. floor looks almost like mine haha
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    [HTC-PRO] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

    Re: [ROM] [MAY0109] MightyROM 4/R3BORN MightyROM4 Previous Changelog [ May . 11 . 09 ] Windows Mobile 6.1 - 20771 Build 20771 [ # ] Finalized ROM For Finished Product [ # ] Fixed Camera Display Going Black Intermittently [ # ] Fixed Youtube Controls Missing Intermittently [ # ] Added Java...
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    Ready to play

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Manila 2D Kamen Rider Decade by jeffrey_0202

    lmao! you forgot the man in the glass aquarium..zordon :connie_mykilroy:
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    Sprint officially releases picture mail update for WM phones

    lmao! he cant do a thing to you :glasses1:
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    Spj is huge! What are we going to do now?

    Re: Spj is huge What are we going to do now hahaha no comment!!!:connie_mykilroy:
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    New here Happy 1st day

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Im new on here was wonderin if someone could help me figure this site out

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...