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    [ALERT] Just A Heads Up

    yeah for sure. they cant live without the chefs...
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    Hey hey

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Hello there

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    first postjust wanted to give a shotout

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Sup from New Orleans

    yo...i'm originally from NOLA too... Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask...
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    SPB Mobile Shell 3 Vynil Theme

    yeah its sweet isnt it? im gonna try th is out when i get home from school. was too late last night when i found it so i didnt ahve a chance. i found some more but cant do it til i get home. so got more goodies for ya unless someone beats me to it
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    Got a pro finally lol

    congrats man! check out the vga stuff. many games and themes for it. you should definitely check out mobile shell too. it's very nice! and asd weesje says..try out atr rom. they also coming out with a 6.5 rom soon.
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    SPB Mobile Shell 3 Vynil Theme

    not mine. from xda My new Theme " Vynil " [VGA] Download:
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro WM 6.5 With SPB Mobile Shell 3.0

    Re: DASHS Modded Touch Pro WM 65 With Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 30 yup, you are correct. and 66 theme looks very nice
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    FREE: Mogul Accessories

    i got 2 pm-s heh guess im special.
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    [READ ME] Must Read

    hahahahaha needed a good laugh hun..
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro WM 6.5 With SPB Mobile Shell 3.0

    Re: DASHS Modded Touch Pro WM 65 With Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 30 so far so good. and ms does seem bit snappier
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    FREE: Mogul Accessories

    i'll take it all and give to my sis if no one wants...:connie_mykilroy:
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro WM 6.5 With SPB Mobile Shell 3.0

    Re: DASHS Modded Touch Pro WM 65 With Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 30 cool cool :-) i'm gonna try out that theme after i flash another rom...*sighs*:connie_mykilroy:
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro WM 6.5 With SPB Mobile Shell 3.0

    Re: DASHS Modded Touch Pro WM 65 With Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 30 you're the only one in my large tab. hehe number 1! ps..i cant please everyone :connie_mykilroy:
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    but you're not alone..
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    DASH'S Modded Touch Pro WM 6.5 With SPB Mobile Shell 3.0

    Re: DASHS Modded Touch Pro WM 65 With Selboriyorker Mobile Shell 30 you can be in mine big jew!:connie_mykilroy:
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    looks kinda onely in that area by yourself..need a party? lol
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    [RELEASE] Spb TV v10 Build 444

    but does it have same channel list? i forgot:connie_mykilroy: