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  1. G

    [NEWS] ARTICLE: BlackBerry Storm 2 dummy units appearing at Best Buy

    Re ARTICLE BlackBerry Storm 2 dummy units appearing at Best Buy Word an according to what i have read it is the same at last one with minor updates.... So it will probably be just as bad as the first lol !!!!
  2. G

    [HTC-PRO] MightyROM6

    Re Re Re MightyROM6 Volume Down button, Power Button , an the Center Pad on your phone. Make sure your phone is off when you do that an then hold all 3 until the grey screen appears with instructions how to hard reset. It is just Volume Up twice !!!!
  3. G

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Re Re Re Re OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game Yes an yes i did with 2 year contact it is 200 plus the referrer and then i get 15 percent cause where i work so about 130 when all said an done...
  4. G

    Hello and many thanks for the info

    Re Hello and many thanks for the info Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun...
  5. G


    Re Yoo Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  6. G

    [HTC-TOUCH] Official Vogue/Touch rom 3.03.651.4_2 for CDMA versions ONLY

    Re Official Vogue/Touch rom 3036514_2 for CDMA versions ONLY If i am not mistaken you need to flash a gps enabled rom , go down into my Sig an read how to flash a rom.
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    [HTC-PRO] Project RESURRECTION WM6.5 - 10/19/09

    Re Project RESURRECTION WM65 10/19/09 No he has TP2 and is waiting on the Unlocker if it every comes lol.... But I have been running this rom for a couple days. It runs really nice the battery life is great on it too. Give it a try
  8. G

    I Win

    Re I Win An I shall take that Win away from you !!!
  9. G

    Cmon phillies(World Series Winner Poll Added!!!)

    Re Re Cmon phillies Yeah i would have too agree with you now Even tho they just knocked out my Team..... There is no way I would ever root for Yanks couldn't pay me lmao!!!!!
  10. G

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Re Re Re OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game Lol i am just gonna say leave Sprint haha , is what i am gonna do once the Project Dark for Tmobile goes into affect will be cheaper and will get tp2 for under 150..... Thanks to Dash !!!!
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    Re Flashing Roms Custom And Stock Use that Search up at the top. If you can't find it here google is your friend lol
  12. G

    [NEWS] Android on Touch Pro(Everything Working but WIFI

    This is really close to being fully ported PwWJj5jwxik
  13. G

    [NEWS] ARTICLE: Breaking: T-Mobile to offer 80 dollar a month unlimited, no contra

    Re ARTICLE Breaking TMobile to offer 80 dollar a month unlimited no co Talking to a guy at Tmobile he said that this was a go, but was not allowed to go into too details about it till it was offical with the Public
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    I Win

    Re I Win :hailme: All you guys Praise the true Winner Me!!!!!!
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    [HTC-PRO] MightyROM6

    Re Re MightyROM6 I am guessing you are talking about flashing your phone to Mightyrom. Did you unlocker you phone ? An try changing the usb port you are using now... Make you have the box check saying you want you phone to syc everytime you connect to your computer.
  16. G

    Hello All SmartphoneJunkies here from Mass

    Re Hello All SmartphoneJunkies here from Mass Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have...
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    I Win

    Re I Win No i Win cause :modownz: HAHA
  18. G

    [NEWS] Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone?!?

    Re Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone lol I did must have not of even noticing it or done it with out knowing i clicked the button haha...... But now that you say it is funny Dash in Violation of Forum Policy lmao!!!!!!
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    [NEWS] Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone?!?

    Re Project Dark Paying monthly for a phone Why am i in Violation of Forum Policy lol ?
  20. G

    One more reason not to be FAT

    Re One more reason not to be FAT Dam that is really funny , but then sad at the same time. All those people watching an only one is helping him lmao