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  1. G

    [HTC-PRO2] ||BDX||21876||Sense2.5||RHOD_W||

    Re Re Re Re Re Re Re ||Bikeandestroy Rom||21872||Sense UI 2_5||RHOD_W|| Yeah i am but i am still learning lol. Everything i learned was from reading an trail an error. Really didnt know anyone that could me haha
  2. G

    [HTC-PRO2] ||BDX||21876||Sense2.5||RHOD_W||

    Re Re Re Re Re ||Bikeandestroy Rom||21872||Sense UI 2_5||RHOD_W|| Yeah I will be doing that for sure. Been looking over at XDA trying to figure out what i want an how much work is involed lol !!!!!
  3. G

    [HTC-PRO2] 11/25/09 RhodiumW

    Re Re MightyROM Rhodium Thanks yeah make sure you come back an give a review let us all know how you like it !!!!!
  4. G

    [HTC-PRO2] ||BDX||21876||Sense2.5||RHOD_W||

    Re Re Re ||Bikeandestroy Rom||21872||Sense UI 2_5||RHOD_W|| Opps should have put Sprint , Yeah i do but i am on T-Mobile now !!!!
  5. G

    I Win

    Re I Win I think i will take back the Lead I Win :blob1:
  6. G


    Re Hello Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  7. G

    [HTC-PRO2] ||BDX||21876||Sense2.5||RHOD_W||

    Re ||Bikeandestroy Rom||21872||Sense UI 2_5||RHOD_W|| Man I wish I had my tp so that i could flash this when is coming out , look like it is gonna be a great rom....
  8. G


    Re hello Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That Thanks...
  9. G

    Can someone make me a new siggy

    Re Re Can someone make me a new siggy Looking really nice there , Keep up the great work !!!!
  10. G

    Juicy R1 WM 6.5 Leo Touch Pro 2 Rom With Max Manila

    Re Juicy R1 WM 65 Leo Touch Pro 2 Rom With Max Manila Thanks for the Vid , man i will be doing a search right now for the Manila Max that look great.... I wish Juicy made GSM lol !!!!
  11. G

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Re OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game They are Different OS and Sprint is more pushing the Hero than the TP2 so they gave it the better price and deal for customers!!!!
  12. G

    NRGZ Energy Rom Leo WM 6.5 Touch Pro 2 Build 21864

    Re NRGZ Energy Rom Leo WM 65 Touch Pro 2 Build 21864 Very Nice vid the rom looks really clean for you guys!!!!
  13. G

    [REVIEW] BiG JeWs TP2 Running Mighy ROM

    Re BiG JeWs TP2 Running Mighy ROM Thanks for the Vid Jew , phone is looking real nice.!!!!! Miss Sprint as far as Internet goes mine is not that fast.... But i get insane battery life out of my TP2 so it make up for it.
  14. G

    MOTM for November 2009

    Re MOTM for November 2009 I hit the MOTM button on threads , speaking of that elboriyorker how many nominations does a thread or person have to get too Win !!!!!
  15. G

    Hey everyone

    Re Hey everyone Hi and Welcome to AMJ , hope you Enjoy everything the site has too offer. Please go read the NoobGuide and How to Search. This will help get around AMJ to find what you need. You will need 80 posts here on AMJ in order to be able to Download.Have fun!!! Remember to Hit That...
  16. G

    [HTC-PRO2] 6.5.3 ROM WWE EnergyROM Leo (28002/21869) Nov 20 Latest Sense

    Re WRHOD|651|ROM|WWE| #9733; EnergyROM Leo (23071/21864 #9733 Um the only backup that does that. is Sprite Backup but if backup your phone like that. You only can restore to that rom. If you do those setting on another rom will mess up your phone.
  17. G

    [HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

    Re Re Re Re Re RELEASED [ROM][KITCHEN] Juicy Rhodium_W R0 [SENSE UI][XDA_U Well Congrats on flashing your first rom , just wait till you do it some more. You will be flashing like crazy to test all the rom out there..... Yeah they are still working on Port Leo but watch in time it will work...
  18. G

    I Win

    Re I Win Well while you are doing that I am going to be Winning !!!!!
  19. G

    [HTC-PRO2] [11/23/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R4 (21876) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

    Re Re Re RELEASED [ROM][KITCHEN] Juicy Rhodium_W R0 [SENSE UI][XDA_UC Comp I am GSM now so no flashing this rom for me lol !!!! But i am already running NRGZ Leo Rom it is a great rom too !!!
  20. G

    Touch Pro (Raphael) HSPL Unlocker And Relocker (CDMA ONLY)

    Re Re Touch Pro (Raphael HSPL Unlocker And Relocker (CDMA ONLY HAHA good one you probably right , ya never know lol !!!!