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    [MUST-READ] PROBEX Alien X theme for Touch FLO 3D 21

    haha mine will be coming tomorrow probey sorry about the delayed release just been really busy lately with work and such..... you still need me to do it for your site or you gonna go with the pocketnow one? you dont need the seven..... thats for the seven theme only.... just use the htc black...
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    I Win

    hahhaa the voices in your head told us about the giants and the broncos. how didnt you hear them or did you ignore them? i win
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    help no data on mighty rom htc touch pro 2 (sprint

    good call on that and got to agree with kaos.... just one of those weird things that can happen in the mobile world when flashing over for no reason at all. try going back to stock if the reflash of the mighty rom doesn't fix the internet issue. and i have found that hard resetting twice does...
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    Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2

    congratulations! how you liking it so far?
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    glad to have you here, enjoy the site and all it has to offer. take a look at my signature below and you will find many useful links to not only getting started with modding but also using and navigating the site to its fullest. :blob1:
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    Palm WebOs My Tether Tether over WiFi USB and BT151 NEW 17/11

    your pre will need to be rooted first of all and to answer your question right in the first line hahaha It allows you to tether over USB, or Bluetooth PAN, and allows you to make your Pre into an WiFi hotspot to share your EVDO connection.
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    glad to have you here, enjoy the site and all it has to offer. take a look at my signature below and you will find many useful links to not only getting started with modding but also using and navigating the site to its fullest. :blob1:
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    [Moto-Droid] hello moto droid

    moving to moto droid help desk area....
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    This or that

    Re: Re Re This or that audi a4 son! briefcase or laptop bag?
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    The intro

    glad to have you here, enjoy the site and all it has to offer. take a look at my signature below and you will find many useful links to not only getting started with modding but also using and navigating the site to its fullest. :console:
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    [UPDATES] GBlocker version 130 android new26/11

    Re: Re GBlocker version 130 android new26/11 not fast enough? i feel it is pretty fast for what they are doing and such... do you see customs on the iphone yet? also the reason for less updates is because it is already stable and why update something stable. in the android world most are just...
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    [NEWS] iPhone Owners Gobble Up Online Media

    i can see this since there apps are fairly priced...... you still get the warez guys still but many more feel it is ok to be dropping 2 bucks on an app since it is reasonably priced
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    [HELP] Motorola Droid Questions

    word did you see the review i did on the droid eris? i will have videos up on it this weekend for sure. and heres the link in case you didnt see it. awww thanks and glad that you are...
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    Garmin City Navigator North America NT 201030 img unlocked

    Re: Re Garmin City Navigator North America NT 201030 img unlocked mmm will have to check that out and see...... if it does i guess i find the old maps but gonna have to try this out first.
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    [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme

    Re: Re [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme you have to give more info... what is the people tab not doing? does it not display at all? does it not open? can you not add contacts?
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    I Win

    thats not voices that the tape recorder that you put on loop over and over again under your pillow..... thats the voices for the past 15 years that we have been telling you arent really there... and damn you got some good batteries in that thing to still be going. i win
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    [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme

    Re: Re [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme what are you talking about.... you drag the cab and when you install the cab file it will install... where is it trying ot bring you on the net since that just doesnt make any sense at all to me.
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    [RELEASE] Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Android

    Re: Re Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Android blocked from the root the normal way that ithas been done so they are working on a different way to get root access.... and thanks for the info but knew that from my g-1 hahaha but anyways it will be out soon enough and the otehr guy in this thread...
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    Free TP2

    no as stated in the other threads here and i think this one maby too you will have to have 3 or more replacements to have a chance at getting a tp2 and the last has to be seen is store by a tech and they may offer you jack diddly like almost everyone else... you could give it a shot and i would...
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    Happy Thanksgiving SPJ (2009

    damn too bad to hear that, keep ticking and hope all went well.