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  1. D

    I Win

    Re: Re I Win yeah and thats ****ing hott hahahaha i win again go back to your corner and talk to the undead that live under your bed and steal your medication at night
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    I Win

    and back for the win on a full belly..... one of the nurses daughters came up and brought me some food to my office :smile: turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, 2 slices of pie, (one cherry and one apple) and last but not least a quart of ben and jerrys ice cream.... :) and she was...
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    [UPDATES] GBlocker version 130 android new26/11

    hahah i just use the stock block feature on my droid eris :) works great and can block text messages too with no additional apps needing to be installed.
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    Happy Thanksgiving SPJ (2009

    Re: Re Happy Thanksgiving AMJ (2009 yea i was pretty stoked that we could do that as a site... elboriyorker took the iniative to do so in philly and felt we should do again so took it upon me to do so in grand rapids.... well worth it to bring the joy of food and family to those 12 families :)...
  5. D

    [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme

    Re: Re Re [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme i gave you step by step directions i cant make it any clearer there is no way to.... maby you should read the noob guide.... dont understand what is so hard about downloading the three files which are cabs. connecting to activesync and your pc via usb...
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    Happy Thanksgiving SPJ (2009

    your telling me and just to let you guys know since i couldnt celebrate and know how it feels i took the donations i received over the past couple months and www.androidmobilejunkie helped feed over 12 families this thanksgiving in the grand rapids area :) thanks guys for being a part of that...
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    Happy Thanksgiving SPJ (2009

    thanks and you too, stuck at work from leaving the house at 230 till 12 midnihgt tonight..... happy thanksgiving junkies
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    I Win

    and at work and back for the win.... wish i didnt have to work
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    [HTC-PRO] indagroove's Sense 2.5 TouchPro ROM - CE OS 5.2.23506 (Build 23506.5.5.0) [

    Re: Re indagrooves Sense 25 TouchPro ROM CE OS 5223506 (Build 2350655 all navigation programs are going to work with this its jsut what one you prefer to tell the truth... many use garmin or the one that comes with your service provider for the monthly fees.
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    VZ Navigator

    Re: Re Re Re Re VZ Navigator what you mean same version... i use 3.5 built in not 3.7..... 3.7 has known to cause some conflicts with certain apps and such thus why it is still beta
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    [NEWS] HTC Dash 3G

    hahaha you guys havent hear of the dash? been out for a while and isnt all that impressive, they couldnt use the slashes on the name since i wouldnt support a non touch screen device... :smile:
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    [RELEASE] Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Android

    Re: Re Re Re Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Android havent had chance to install this yet but does it have to be rooted for this to work on your device? damn i hope not cause im not sure if they have found the workaround yet for the rooting on the droid eris.
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    [NEWS] AT&T's Gripe About Verizon Ads Doesn't Sway Judge

    Re: Re Re Re Re Re Re ATTs Gripe About Verizon Ads Doesnt Sway Judge yes we got an app for that on all platforms.... just says that was easy... good for next to the bed i guess hahaha sorry i had to
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    [HTC-Diamond] |112609| |DIAM| |WM 653| |MysteryROM| |Manila 25192X| |Build 280025

    Re: |112209| |DIAM| |WM 653| |MysteryROM| |Manila 25192X| |Build 280025 tell me when you posted in the other thread and ill edit the post here for ya...
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    ALIENX-by-PROBEX for Diamond PRO

    this is for touchflo and your saying your on a custom titanium only rom..... of course it will not work and no i didnt say 2d and 3d i said 3d and 3d2 or 3d 2.1 or 3d 2.5, or even 3d 2.6 so if you are on any of the latter version of touchflo and not just touchlo 3d this will not work
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    Garmin City Navigator North America NT 201030 img unlocked

    sweet and got the maps almost all downloaded... no rushes though busy till the weekend anyways
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    [RELEASE] Manila 25 landscape project pulse UP NOW 27/11

    Re: Manila 25 landscape project pulse soon damn looking good, noticed a couple of the tabs were slightly off but that isnt a big deal so you can have landscape support through manila 2.5 :) thanks weesje.
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    Ban Game

    ppopper should be banned for not overnighting one of them to me hahaa
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    [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme

    Re: Re [THE] Star Wars Dark Side Theme you have to be on a stock or touchflo original rom first of all which i feel you are, and than you install the cab files. just drag the three .cab files to your storqage card and than through file explorer navigate to it than double click and install to...