Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2
What a jerkoff!! What the hell does that do for him beside screw us and our members? Ratting us out to sprint for some brownie points? He is a freaking tech, its not hurting his pocket any. I want to find out who he is and ban his ass!!
Re Cmon phillies
Whats up with all the phillies haters? You dodger fans are aware that they won because of a chase utley error and a freak bounce to feliz, right?
Re Re Re Cmon phillies
Well, the Phils are only 3 outs away from taking game 1. Talk about going into there house and saying, "Home field advantage? What home field advantage? ***removed not cool*** .....and make me a sandwich!!!!"
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2
Well, took my TP in yesterday and they replaced it with another TP, should be here tomorrow. Prolly gonna keep it a day or two then take it back and swap again....then I'll just repeat the process if need be. You Kaos, PM what you did with the Hex...
Re Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2
Hell yea. VA is good, the perks of staff without the requirements. Plus, I wanted to open the spot up for someone new and upcoming like Goku.
Re Sprint replacing Touch Pro with Touch Pro2
I called up sprint stores in my area today. 4 had no idea what I was talking about, and when I finally found one that knew what i was talking about, he said it only applies if i had 3 or more replacments sent to me within the last 6 months. So I...
Re Re Re Updated Oct 5th NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs
You need a mini sd card converter or you need the app usbtopc for your phone. with that you can select disk drive when you plug your phone into the comp. it will be the same then as i described
Re Re Updated Oct 5th NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs
When you comp recognizes the SD card, it will say removable storage, or flash drive, or SD card, or something. You will know it when you see it. You can also tell it by the size. It will be listed with your other hard drives, and Im pretty sure...
Re Re Updated Oct 5th NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs
Make sure you do the ol hard reset and battery pull. Also, I recommend copying all your folders from your SD card to your computer, then formating your SD card the good way, not quick format, then just put your folders back on the card. You see...
Re Flash a Fuze
You also do not need the custom ruu on your SD card. But as goku says, flashing from a comp is alot easier. Its the only way I do it, and I have flashed prolly a good 5 or 6 hundred times.
Re AMJ Fantasy FootBall League (0 spots
Hahahahaha, you where saying????? 170 points so far and I still have Adrian Petterson and Visanthe Shiancoe to play. Thats another 20 points atleast. And as it is, I already won AND have high points again. Even with the Eagles on bye. Like I said, I am a...
Well, if my team DOMINATES again this week, then you boys might as well pack it up now and go home. Because the way its looking, my team is UNBEATABLE!!!!! Lol, now this week is the true test. Can I make it 4-0 with high points again????
AAAAHHHH!!!! LOL, people still seem to be missing the fact that both characters where created in 2 different time frames and in 2 different genres. If you took goku and put him in early 1900's american comics, his powers would be considerably less. And vica versa, if you took Supes and put him...