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  1. S

    S2U2 Butterfly theme for girls

    Awww thats pretty Broski...but you could have at least went the "extra" step & made the s2u's for us..sheesh!
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    Girly Fairy Theme

    Awww thanks you guys!
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    Post Your Pics Here

    Such a cutie Thermus!!!
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    What Does Your Username Mean??

    lmaooo @ this thread! All of yall are so silly! lmaoo I said I wasn't gonna touch it because of all the "testosterone" up in here!! *hugs elboriyorker"...can't wait til you come here again!! I know this is off topic but Aframfest is this weekend...are u coming down? and to "my"...
  5. S

    MWC2 Transparent WaitCursor

    This is what I need BIG TIME! Bout to hook me up some GIRLY cursors!! Thanks ICEM/\N!!
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    XM Radio MobiTV and MusicID Unlimited

    Re: XM Radio, MobiTV, and MusicID Unlimited! *Throws Up* all over Dash, Big Jew & Broski!! And @ careful my sista..they may LOOK harmless but they're pimps for sure! lmaoo
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    FT: I got a used mogul to trade for a sprint touch

    Yes VenumX...get the Mogul...The Touch is for "girls"!!!
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    New Skin

    It's nice *in a manly type of way*....But i'm having a hard time reading in the upper right where it says "unread messages" and "private messages". Other than that..looks nice, sleek & manly! lol
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    Palringo v1.1 (Freeware)

    Awww ty Broski....I felt left out! lol
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    Palringo v1.1 (Freeware)

    I have this app & nobody ever told me to "group smartphone"..what does that mean anyway?
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    Bigjew New Siggy

    You wouldn't believe how easy it is to get started! But it's definitely time consuming & definitely hard work. Corporate accounts lay out HUGE bucks for logos & graphics & so forth especially if you know how to do web pages also. I'm self taught & it's easy to learn if you want to dive in...
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    broSkis new screenie 5-19-08

    Looking at you REAL hard!!! Don't make me get my belt on you Big Jew!! Smoking is NOT good for you!! *SLAPZ*
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    Bigjew New Siggy

    You know u da shyt with the sigs! We have to rep for the ladies round these parts!
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    broSkis new screenie 5-19-08

    Very nice Broski...and STOP drinking so much!! *in my momma's voice*
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    BiG JeW's HOMESCREEN (5-18-08)

    I like it Big J...But I think I like the way it was better. And I paid for Face Contacts because Dash took it down due to the developer's request & I couldn't find it anywhere. So like Big J said...GOOD LUCK finding it for free.
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    Bigjew New Siggy

    You got skillz D.....Thats HOT!!
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    What Does Your Username Mean??

    Well...I don't like biting my tongue...and I also don't like being rude unless you piss me off. I'm also a first grade school teacher & you have to put things "simple" so that the kids understand....And I hate it when people describe stuff using big words & are long winded to make a point or to...
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    Sprint TV Cab

    lol let him know Make ya kri becuz obviously the "Dashanator" had NO IDEA! lol
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    Simplyput3456's "GIRLY" Mogul

    And you know this man!! *in my Chris Tucker voice*
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    Sprint TV Cab

    I done told you that you can't handle all this Dash! *running*