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    yaeh you can change colors...maybe you should read the frequin thread cause it has instuctions in there...just because its long dosent mean you shouldnt read
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    >>>>>Don't View This Thread<<<<<<<

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    S2U2 .99p Fixed ... No more install popup

    alright i fixed the S2U2 problem on install...even though this problem didnt affect the program at all...the problem was that when you were done installing youd get a message/popup saying the program wasnt signed....I (Tigerz) have fixed this problem for those it annoyed i signed up the...
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    Sprite Backup v. 6.2 build 2260

    yaeh this one is great but you dont need to do a backup if you havent installed anything cause at that point you should just do a hard reset ...backups are good if you have to go back to a a state at which you have done alot that it would be a pain to do it all over again...hope this helps let...
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    Do You Want To Talk To GOD!! I Have Found A Way!!

    yaeh gods pretty dam smart ya know
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    External zoom 4 my Touch

    that is pretty dam sick....nice looking bro
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    Do You Want To Talk To GOD!! I Have Found A Way!!

    yaeh but he cant reveal that sorta stuff cause of all the identity theft that has been going on, you may be a hacker....
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    Do You Want To Talk To GOD!! I Have Found A Way!!

    Hey guys after talking to god for about 10 - 20 minutes id thought id tell yall how....recently god has seem to open up a chat-room on the internet to let all his fans talk to check it out....
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    WowDarkness - Tigerz's World of Warcraft Server

    lol kaos.....sure lolz
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    WowDarkness - Tigerz's World of Warcraft Server

    thanks dash already doing pretty good i just have to code a little bit more for the website thenim gunna get my ass back here!
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    WowDarkness - Tigerz's World of Warcraft Server

    Alright everyone. i have been working on this for a long while and i am almost done. but if you play wow and dont want to pay than this is a free to play fun server. heres more info. and btw this is my server as said in title lol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to WoW Darkness...
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    iFonz Version 0.8.8 - 29/02/2008

    yae lol its do much better to fix everything and then release then to fix /add (and not fix a thing) everyhour like no2chem does lolz
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    iFonz Version 0.8.8 - 29/02/2008

    haha lolz.....he fixed so much it ot even funny lolz
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    iFonz Version 0.8.8 - 29/02/2008

    Info ============================= iFonz is an emulation of iPhone but for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely rewrited in .NET. Requirements ============================= - Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 5 or 6 - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 Installation ============================= -...
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    brol1k signature request - FULFILLED BY VENUMX

    Re: brol1k signature request please follow the sig/avatar request rules that venum specifies in the sticky he needs more info...thank you but heres the link to the rules thanks you tigerz
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    HTCHome superman clock

    actually a tiger would kick all you asses theres no dought in that
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    how to erase 6.1 and add 6.0

    yaeh do what kaos said and make sure you relock before you flash and then enter bootloader (camera + power + soft reset hole) and make sure it sais 2.17 then flash it while in boot loader using the ruu which can also be found on htc site there is also instuctions on htc site if needed Thanks...
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    how to erase 6.1 and add 6.0

    kk this has been discussed just relock your phone and then flash to the 6.0 2.17 rom and you good to go as usuall all prog need are on the site relocker 6.0 rom thanks, Tigerz ned anything else let me know
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    Call Tones Figured Out!

    lol and this dosent make it free does it
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    My Sig that D/\SH made me. pretty badass

    nice dash then you can see if you can match my awesomeness lol