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  1. D

    Hey whattup bro? howz the City treatin you? Things around here are always different....hate...

    Hey whattup bro? howz the City treatin you? Things around here are always different....hate my current assignment, but hey, they pay me well to tell me what to do......
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    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] custom rom help/ cant send and receive pictures

    Re: custom rom help/ cant send and receive pictures i am by no means an Alltell expert, but reading through your post. Is your ROM (Juicy 8) specifically cooked for AllTell? If not, Have you installed the Alltell Carrier Cab? If you have not installed that, (and your ROM is not specially...
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    Sprint sells Netbook for a buck

    First off- I fully admit that i do not have anywhere near the skills that so many of you have. I am wondering, however, how difficult it would be to find the "phone" or "Modem" part of this thing and configure a "ROM" for other CDMA carriers. I am guessing (and a big guess at that) that for...
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    Hey bro.......had not seen you for awhile, so i thought i would drop a quick note....havent...

    Hey bro.......had not seen you for awhile, so i thought i would drop a quick note....havent spent much time on the board, so been kinda playing catch as catch can.....hopefully youre doin well and had a good 4th! Best wishes bro!
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    Happy 4th of July 2009 What You doing

    I got to have a wonderful evening with my ex-wife........ummmmmmm too bad y'all cant hear the sarcasm in "wonderful"......but my boys got to see her (i have full, sole custody and hvae to supervise her visitation) and were happy, so i can gut through those painful hours so long as my boys...
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    [SOLVED] I am so fukkin happy [was pissed] solved mthafcka haha

    Re: I am so fukkin pissed dude......there may be a path to salvation.........First of all, did they respond to you that the phone is stolen or just that it was just a bad ESn? If it is not reported stolen, then what you can probably do is flash it to Cricket or VZW.....I would think that...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    D/\sh---if your people have been having some difficulty, this will probably go a long way to getting them up and running, especially with OTA programming. Mods: If you could please add this into the original post: One thing that I did not originally touch on is OTA programming. If you are...
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Congratulations To The New Team

    I think that they will each be a wonderful addition! Best wishes to you both!........ (Hmmmmmm now i am thinking of how many silly questions i can PM each of them! heh heh heh heh heh heh heh)
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    [RELEASE] Pocket Wolfenstein 3-D

    I remember playing the original Castle Wolfenstein on the old Apple II+ wwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy back in the dark ages! actually, my phone has more power than that thing did! (I think i am dating myself just a bit!)
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    Cant agree with you more...once you get your peeps up and running, let me know what they think.....If it works well for them, I will get it up and going in the ROM section.......If there are some things that still need ironed out, I will work on the build and stuff (as i said, i am not very good...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    It has been my pleasure...I still am a noob in so many areas, but am learning by doing all of this and enjoying it thoroughly........Hopefully some will find the ROM handy and can give some feedback and I can improve it and then maybe work my way up to the Touch and then the Touch...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    I still want to do some work with this, but need feedback before looking at the ROM section.....downside is that my ability to help "fix" things is very limited, but I am working on it!
  13. D

    Work in progress - need feedback

    The only thiink that I see that you might want to consider adding is reminding them to check their device/OS/whatever to be sure that it is compatible for whatever they are doing........kinda goes along with teh paperweight llines btw-I LOVE your style! Great work!
  14. D

    [ ISSUE SOLVED ] spc to 000000

    Re: spc to 000000 is the solution, really only needed if trying to get a Sprint Mogul to Cricket (SPC/MSL to 000000) VZW is already set to 000000....Apparently Qwest Moguls have yet to be figured out or more importantly, I have yet to find the solution...Thanks to RyanMogul over at...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket it is........THIS IS FOR THE XV680/MOGUL ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither I, nor AMJ, takes responsibility if you brick your device. So far I have flashed this and have no problems, but things do go wrong! I have to give credit over to the guys at PPCKitchen (no2chem -...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    Ok....I now have the OEM problem solved (thanks to JustPCTech at PPCKitchen.....I now have a functioning ROM with MMS/Internet that should work very well........If anyone is interested let me know and I will get it posted......There are still some bugs but I am trying to figure them...
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    [NEWS] Another officer killed in action Houston TX

    Amen Brother.............
  18. D

    Happy fathers day to all

    <WHEW> Glad i read this after father's day! ACtually my girlfriend was supercool....she gave me some time away so that i could work on phone stuff! She doesnt understand this new obsession, but at least she is supportive!
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    Thanks so much.........i never thought of the chat room over there.....i had read so many posts that I was going buggy.......I should be getting some help from one of the people at PPCKitchen.......I always look to y'all here at AMJ first for virtually everything..... PS>. Is the quick reply...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    OK.......for anyone interested I have been flashing a series of ROMS that I have been building w/ppckitchen.......specifically for the 6800 for Cricket..........I am running into one HUGE problem........I am desperately trying to get the MMS/WAP Arcsoft cab into OEM........I have tried several...