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  1. D

    Want to chnage 300k to 1000k on sending audio files

    The registry settings that you described above work for upping the limit for Cricket....I dont know however if it will work for other guess is that it probably will....the downside is that a number of people (crwinger comes immediately to mind along with to0 over at HOFO did alot...
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    Basic Guide for Flashing Mogul to Cricket

    check over at ppcgeeks and xda and howard forums for a vogue Cricket ROM...I really have done no research on the Vogue....I have researched some on the Touch Pro.... Overall I would venture to guess that you would HAVE to use a RUU because I dont believe that the Vogue has and SD slot.....The...
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    Mighty Mike and Juicy Jay Productions Opps thats 36 Mafia

    Just FYI, due to the limited RAM memory in the Mogul, 6.5 ROMs that i have flashed to leave very little for other applications....I liked the look and feel of the 6.5's but they really suck the RAM down....I am still looking for a very light 6.5 for my carrier and see if that will help DCD...
  4. D

    Mogul doesnt turn on after randomly

    I had that same problem with a stock VZW Rom on a phone i just got....I kept it up and running long enough to flash a new ROM for my carrier and that completely solved the problem....On the three different ROMs that I have flashed onto it, I have had no problems at all with not being able to...
  5. D

    This is what Im talking about

    This guy will never see gen pop....he will be put in SHU (segregation)....Upon conviction and off to the pen, he will also be put in SHU....once there, he will not be getting out into gen pop....not to say that he couldnt have an "accident" but in the SHU units, he will be protected.......
  6. D

    I work for sprint

    Some of you might think im crazy, but thats why I love Cricket! 57/month for unlimited talk, text, mms, data.....tethering (if i ever figure out how to use it)....their areas are growing daily........i even have some roaming, but really dont need it......
  7. D

    Flashed new rom now texting dosent work

    I cant speak to personal experience but from my reading in other forums (and I know it has been addressed somewhere in here, but i cant remember which thread, I will do a little looking) but to get Verizon SMS/MMS to work, on a non-VZW ROM, you have to install what I remember to be the...
  8. D

    Mighty Mike and Juicy Jay Productions Opps thats 36 Mafia

    There are still good solid ROMs available for a number of carriers.....PPC and HoFo are probably the best for multiple carriers........for Sprint, right here at AMJ has some great stuff (KAOS series immediately comes to mind, and i believe that BigJew also has one or two).... If you find a ROM...
  9. D

    [RELEASE] Updated(5-6-09) QPST and QXDM for diamond/Touch Pro

    Thanks so much for this....been looking around however this is a newer build than i have previously seen....have you tried this on the mogul? if not no worries, Just dont want to clutter my flasing folder with duplicate things. If this will work on the Mogul as well, it allows me to clear...
  10. D

    FREE Direct Push Email

    Have you tested or checked on the rest of the sync settings? Contacts, calendar, tasks etc?
  11. D

    my setup now

    Very nice job bro! Got me thinking of like your vamp girl coming through some mist......hmmmmmmm i just might have to start another project......(LOL yeah like i have completed any of hte previous projects i have started........damn A.D.D!)
  12. D

    [NEWS] Verizon: Pay Up Or Die

    I thnk i am missing something...which "he" are you as finding out about VZW? It says in the article that the sheriff tried to call and the verizon operator told him to put up $20...(my paraphrasing summary) .not that it matters, but i think i missed something....oh wait....sorry i think i...
  13. D

    [NEWS] Verizon: Pay Up Or Die

    it really isnt difficult to determine who the original provider was for a cellular phone. Number portability has made it more difficult, but I can usually look at a cell phone number and tell who the provider mostly like is or at least who the provider was when the number was assigned (If it...
  14. D

    [NEWS] Verizon: Pay Up Or Die

    Private companies are not compelled to provide information to law enforcement outside of certain perameters (ie. court order). LE can REQUEST the information based upon circumstances, and under those circumstances, private companies do have some protection. But of course, in the long run...
  15. D

    prank call to a Telemarketer

    That is Bob and Tom in the morning. This has been floating around for quite some time. I have it stored on my desktop computer at work for those times, when the office spirits need to be lifted a bit!!!!!!!! Crank up the volume and let it roll! GREAT FIND!
  16. D

    Mod discussion/Recommendations

    Modding the UI is where alot of the fun comes in. For me, the searching and exploring or making my own themes etc. is at least half the fun. Finding and viewing the skills of others. Here in AMJ there are some INCREDIBLE designers who come up with mind blowing things. For a simple, quick...
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    HTC Touh Pro Flash Error [262]

    Another option for you to try is to flash via SD....the below link is from PPC outlining flashing the Touch Pro.... Hope that it works for you one way or another!
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    Geto Boys' Willie D Faces 20 Years in Prison for iPhone Scam

    Re: Geto Boys Willie D Faces 20 Years in Prison for iPhone Scam Perhaps....but exactly how much "street cred" will he get for wire fraud? "hey where you do your time? Leavenworth? Supermax? Quentin?" "Nah man....Club Fed....Nacchio was my cellie" Edit: I sometimes forget that this...
  19. D

    Thanks for the encouragement bro....Unfortunately all i see is the dark side of life when I am...

    Thanks for the encouragement bro....Unfortunately all i see is the dark side of life when I am at's inhumanity to man........the depravity of worries tho....every morning is a new start
  20. D

    Thanks bro...i keep hoping so......he is starting to get the picture, but damn...being a single...

    Thanks bro...i keep hoping so......he is starting to get the picture, but damn...being a single dad with no help or support from his mother (she cant see them without supervision) is daunting and i know that he carries things that are not his im depressing myself