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    [01-16-09] Juggalo TP ROM v008B [OS 5219972 Build 19972] [UC]

    Hey man. Great rom. Just came off another custom and I love yours. Clean and quick. have had 0 problems with anything. Good looking out.
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    HTC Black (original)

    if only i could say thank you more. lol i appreciate it though.
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    HTC Black (original)

    So i'm having a glitch in this theme. I read through the thread and i didn't see anybody else with the same problems but after i load the rom up for about a day or so, whenever i hit the reply or new text message, the new message screen pops up (this is like normal so far) Then when i slide...
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    [18/09/2008 Update] IPhone Theme

    Lol ok then. i'll make due then or play around till i figure something out. Just take a pic in the dark or something. lol Thanks man.
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    [18/09/2008 Update] IPhone Theme

    I'm pretty sure it's not a rom issue cause i can get the HTC Black to do it right but not shakass or iphone theme to do it. What was that app you said i may be able to use?
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    [18/09/2008 Update] IPhone Theme

    Kaos touch pro rom. if you load up the original sprint rom or the HTC Black original rom, it'll show what i'm talking about. The home screen will be like a picture or something but the rest of the tabs will be a solid black or navy blue. Just need to find a way to make sure that i can see my...
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    [18/09/2008 Update] IPhone Theme

    ok I dont really want a different on for each tab just want it like the stock sprint rom and HTC black original where when i set the wallpaper, it only applies to the home tab. I can't read my text messages in TF3d cause my wallpaper blends into the text. is there any fix for that?
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    [18/09/2008 Update] IPhone Theme

    So I wanted to know if there is anyway that i can have i guess two wallpapers? A home tab wallpaper and then different wallpaper for the rest of the tabs. the HTC original theme has that but i can't make this theme do that. Any help?
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    Diamond TF3D Config Tool 067

    Thanks man. sorry bout that.
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    Diamond TF3D Config Tool 067

    Hey. I'm not sure what to do when the theme is downloaded as a folder with about 200 files that are "00a49dc2_manila" how do i make it a .theme so i can install it with the config tool?
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    Wifi Problems

    Ok I'll try the hard reset. Man it took forever to load up all those programs. Thanks though. Oh and if the hard reset doesn't work, would a custom rom work?
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    Wifi Problems

    So i had this problem with sprint where i told them to turn off my data connection from them so i can't get online. Result: I can still get online through the sprint connection but my wifi isn't working. Is this a problem from their side or mine cause I called them up and told them the problem...
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    touchflo 3D on Omnia

    So i saw a bunch of youtube videos about them taking the touchflo 3d and putting it on the omnia. I've checked everywhere here if somebody already thought of this but i guess i'm not very good at searching or it's not here so if somebody could help me as to where i can find a ROM or something...
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    Creaking from battery cover

    Thanks man. its been killing me. lol
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    Creaking from battery cover

    hey so i've been having this problem. its not too serious but i've noticed when i'm using the hardware keyboard that the battery cover squeezes in and out like a cheap remote control battery cover or something. anybody have this same problem and/or with a solution to this epic dilemma. lol...
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    Gameboy Color emulator

    This work for VGA?
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    Touch Pro Picture Tab Bug

    The God this site is back up cause i just got my Pro today and i had this problem. Thanks to all!!!! support is just a click away!
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    CooTek Touchpal 3.5

    Re: CooTek Touchpal 35 hey this isn't installing on my diamond. any suggestions?
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    Diamond to Pro

    Hey i had a problem. So i got my diamond through the sprint insurance and today i wanted to swap my diamond for a pro so i went to the store ready to pay the 50 dollar difference and just wait for them to send me the pro. They said that because the order went trough the insurance, sprint doesn't...
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    Diamond to Pro

    hey i got my diamond but they wont let me trade it for a pro. 1 because they dont have any and 2, insurance said they will make me have to return the phone to them then pay sprint for the pro. Would something like this letter work for me after the pro gets back in stock?