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    [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512H (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

    Re: [ROM] [Apr 26] JUICY 7 - Build 090426H (215015070) [UC] Rhodium Manila i hear ya big jew. just that lots of people were complaining so he decided to release an update with it fixed along with push email
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    [READ ME] My New Signature 4/27/09

    i love it! simple and nice. why tweety so small? :-(
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    The Dragonman Commeth

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    use roseta stone supe
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512H (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

    Re: [ROM] [Apr 26] JUICY 7 - Build 090426H (215015070) [UC] Rhodium Manila bump bump!! updated first post with new update
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    lol yeah. i knew you used that is it that bad? lol
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    hmm..yoiu're not gonna believe it but i could read some of it lol yay me for 2 semesters of japanese back in high school
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    RimMe v10

    same thing i was thinking..what does it mean? puke smiley? yuck!
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    [RELEASE] MobileController Professional v1.6

    i think some people say it crashed on them and gave error. that's why i haven't tried it. so mikey, let us know if it works for you
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    Hello from Chicago

    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    Welcome to AMJ. You have came to the right place for all your PPC and Smartphone needs. Please take a moment to make yourself familiar with the side menu and the search feature in green below the sites main banner. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the respective thread or if not...
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    [HTC-PRO] (August 03 2009) MERDINS WM6-5Pro v5 CE OS 5223016(Build 23016 MerdinH)

    Re: (April 26 2009) MERDINS WMPro 43 CE OS 5221043(Build 21043 MerdinH lol thanks. i will try both and see how it runs
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    [HTC-PRO] (August 03 2009) MERDINS WM6-5Pro v5 CE OS 5223016(Build 23016 MerdinH)

    Re: (April 26, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.3 CE OS 5.2.21043(Build 21043 MerdinH yay! i've been waiting for this
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    herg62123s intro

    lol i am behaving. i just wanted a cookie haha
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    herg62123s intro

    oh damn haha i want some cookies now too. where my cookie?!?