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    Too Funny Puppet Dancing

    I cant stop laughing... I HAD TO SHARE! ENJOY! 6j8Lp-JN1xI
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    [HTC-PRO2] [ROM/WWE/23506] [11/11/09] NATF's RhodiumW v1.1 [Titanium + TF3D 2.1]

    I take NO CREDIT for this ROM... ORIGINAL THREAD CAN BE FOUND HERE: NATF's RhodiumW ROMs | Current Release: v1.1 | 11/11/09 | I'm new to CDMA, so the overall thread layout/design is still very much a work in progress. Please bear with...
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    [HTC-PRO2] [ROM][KITCHEN] eRice CleanROM and Kitchen ~WM 65 Build 21872 w/ Sense UI

    I take no credit for this. Thanks to eRice and all his work. Original thread can be found here.... "I'm clean and neat, and I like my ROMs to be too." Current Build: 21872.5.0.71 WM 6.5 Verified working with Sprint and Telus devices...
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    [REVIEW] BiG JeWs TP2 Running Mighy ROM

    Hey guys this is my TP 2.. ENJOY! qJblK6BIdMY
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    [HELP] Original ROM CABS Needed for SPRINT TP2

    Anyone got the original Sprint Nav, TV, Music, NFL, NASCAR,etc?. Also need the latest compatible MS Voice Command. All your guys help is appreciated.
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    [NEWS] I Decided to Write to HTC

    So here is the deal... First and foremost this is a specific discussion in regards to my issues with my HTC TP2.. The only thing edited was any sensitive (personal) information... Please post if any of you have duplicated any issues.... HTC Replies: Dear Ariel, The HTC Customer...
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    Tronatic GSM Motion 2010 MUST SEE

    I just found this and thought I'd share... Dont know if anyone saw this or posted it .... ENJOY! Dk7Whb__MXY ekPDBqyh-CI
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    [ALERT] GO DASH GO Whoo Whoo

    I just logged in a little while ago and you have been killing the boards... I'm hoping to get a lappy tomorrow.. i might just have to settle for something with less specifications then what i wanted. In any case, thanks for keeping us updated with all the new apps for web os and much more!
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    FS: Like New Sprint HTC Touch PRO FOR SALE (sold

    Those of you that know me know I am for real and there is NO BS in my sale descriptions. This is also listed locally on craigslist. First come, First Serve. I have a like NEW Sprint HTC Touch PRO. This phone is less then 3 weeks old... This phone has a clean ESN to be activated with Sprint...
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Im Not The Only One

    I know I am not the only one, so let the venting begin..... Where is the CDMA TP2 Unlocker???
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Thanks to all STAFF

    OK first and foremost, if your name isn't listed under the thread description, its only because i was limited on space, but as the title states this is to all staff! With all the issues the domain, server, site, etc, have been giving us over the last few days, I would like to personally thank...
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    [FULL-FILLED] Forwarding Text Messages on PRE

    Here is a screenie and I was told you can get the details on how to do it at the link below! I haven't tried it, but was told from a trusted source. ENJOY! More info Here:
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    [HTC-PRO] Black Dragon Titanium Rom 23420 is up! (09/30/09) {UC}

    I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ROM.... ORIGINAL LINK CAN BE FOUND BELOW: 6.5 SYS in 23017 in post 2 classic 6.5 SYS in 23017 in post 2 I will attempt to provided the latest builds so all you flashing junkies who live on the edge watch this...
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    Alright... First Beta for the next ROM. This ROM has NO U.C. (user customization). Please remember there is NO Touchflo3D! This is BETA! Post all issues and problems here in this thread..... YOU MUST HARD RESET AFTER FLASH THEN SOFT RESET AFTER CUSTOMIZATION Boot Screens...
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    [MUST-READ] My Boy KLEAN freestlye

    Yo, its hard being this good...... real Miami Hip hop freestyle! 8Ih3XULJv8o&
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] Happy Birthday to PROBEX

    Just wanted to be the first to wish Probex a Happy and Healthy Birthday. Thank you for all your hard work brada and this year is looking brighter for you... Congrats on all your success and near future success stories to come... From the bottom of my junkie heart.. Happy Birthday...
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] I go by the Name Lil Jon

    I just thought this was funny... lol...
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] HTC HERO Videos (Post Here)

    Just thought I'd share... HTC Sense Debuts on HTC Hero kshGq8COSiM Mail, Messaging, and Twitter from John YJW2rBiEJgQ John's first boot. Which carrier? When? HFPZjwp2fG0 music player and John's final thoughts AFPwfS9777Y Make it Mine 8LtKAnJf1Ss Discover the Unexpected SwLp0s_e_yE Stay...
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    Michael Jackson Memorial Tickets

    Theses are coming on and off ebay.. Just as quick as they go up, is as fast as they go down.. You can do a search for yourself, I just thought i'd share is its pretty crazy!
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    Alright guys, here is the scoop. The title pretty much says it all! AMJ has been working behind the scenes to launch an accessory site exclusively for media devices. I say media devices as there will be accessories for any device. For example, iPod, cell phones, flash drives, memory...