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    Jmz Rom 20 Build 0050209[CE OS 21043] [UC] Rhodium Manila

    Jmz Rom 2.0 Build 050209 Thanks goes to so many people. Juicy, Calcu, dharvey, showaco (xda), wapvirus (xda), savage25rcracer, joeball88, cmonex, Conflipper, FayFay, carburano (xda), hellonasty (xda), Juggalo_X, dharvey, and everybody else at PPCGEEKS and XDA. Sorry if I missed you. The...
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    [Theme] [VGA-QVGA] theme saint seiya by jeje1000 MS 3

    Hi all VGA
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    [Theme] SPB Mobile Shell 3 Star Wars Theme

    - Thanks to Jeje1000
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    [HTC-PRO] ||SEP22 23414 Demolition 6.5 XIPKernel Titanium|MANILA 2.1||

    I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ROM, THIS IS ALL bikeandestroyx OVER @ PPCGEEKS rom 6.5.1 All Carriers Not responsible for any brickage occurring here. This is my custom rom check it out These latest Sys are very beta there are a lot of...
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    SPB Mobile Shell 3 Vynil Theme

    not mine. from xda My new Theme " Vynil " [VGA] Download:
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    [FREEWARE] SASHIMI AutoInstaller RAW Edition v80

    Don't manually install all your applications and settings after every new ROM flash! Make flashing a breeze with... SASHIMI AutoInstaller RAW Edition v.8.0 by bengalih New to SASHIMI? Watch these video tutorials to see how easy it is! Older Archive Videos Here Want to cook SASHIMI into...
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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] some news

    i have some news for you guys. many have inquired about relationship between dash and myself. i answer them and they are sent on their merry way. well, now the beast can't be contained anymore. it has to be unleashed to the world. dash and i are getting hitched soon. over the past couple of...
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    [FREEWARE] WebTV 350 - Watch TV Stream from your PDA - ¤¤¤ Now more than 600 Channels

    WebTV 350 - Watch TV Stream from your PDA - ‚¤‚¤‚¤ Now more than 600 Channels Dear All, Another TV application for our PDA ... When you double click on a TV/Show Icon its stream is launched in the selected player (CorePlayer, Windows MediaPlayer or TCPMP). Since version 3.50, MORE THAN...
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    this was a request by jnuts5423 to combine all in one. this is fart machine, iwhip, bs buzzer, air horn, and shotgun combined in one cab. it will install to games folder. try it out and tell me if everything works or not, but i'm pretty sure it should NOTE: these apps are not my creations. All...
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    [FREEWARE] iWhip

    After the success of my Virtual Shotgun, I bring you ... iWhip. The virtual BullWhip! Flick the phone to crack the whip (As many times as you want). On the HTC Diamond, press and hold the round hardware button to exit. Regards Mike REMEMBER it requires the g-sensor...
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    [FREEWARE] Pocket DoorBell

    The interest in stupid/annoying applications has increased recently, so I thought I would release this. POCKET DOORBELL! No cab file (Sorry, my free trial has run out) - Just unzip to a folder on your device or storage card. Hours of fun, annoying your folks; I will change it real soon, to...
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    [FREEWARE] Virtual Shotgun

    Requirements: G-sensor. it uses the sensor in the phone so Touch Pro, Diamond, and etc. you know if you have it or not lol sound of racking up a shell from shotgun. and fires too made by MikeHalliday from ppcgeeks didn't cab it but i cabbed...
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    [UPDATES] Panoramic Phone Genius v1point35

    Panoramic Phone Genius v1.3.5 Requirements: WM5.0, WM6.x Overview: Panoramic Phone Genius has been developed to give you all of the calling features a modern Smartphone should have while making the experience intuitive and easy. Comprised of three applications, Contacts Genius, Call Genius and...
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    [FULL-FILLED] Panoramic Phone Genius v130

    Panoramic Phone Genius v1.30 Requirements: WM5.0, WM6.x Overview: Panoramic Phone Genius has been developed to give you all of the calling features a modern Smartphone should have while making the experience intuitive and easy. Comprised of three applications, Contacts Genius, Call Genius and...
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    Flip It v140

    Digital Concepts Flip It! Requirements: Supports all color Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, and Phone Edition devices. Overview: Flip It! is a doodling animation tool allowing users to easily draw and create colorful sketched animations. Flip It! is also handy as a virtual pad of paper allowing...
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    Dark Street v101

    Dark Street v1.01 Requirements: PPC WM5, WM6 Overview: Summary : A girl is fighting for freedom and new life. Take up your weapons and beat the vicious wretches. Description : Mary is tired of the depraved life in the organization. She is going to leave, while the boss, her father, is trying...
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    [UPDATES] Astraware My Little Tank v114 VGA WVGA 28/11

    My Little Tank v1.10 Requirements: PPC WM5, WM6 Overview: My Little Tank is a fun arcade-style blaster offering hours of miniature military mayhem! Through 80 action-packed levels you must shoot enemy tanks, defend your base, and destroy enemy radar stations and bases. You will encounter a...
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    PowerSMS v1.3

    PowerSMS v1.3 Requirements: All Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1 devices are supported. Overview: Overview PowerSMS is a mobile application for people who love text messaging. It enables a number of interesting communication scenarios, which are either cumbersome or impossible without it. PowerSMS...
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    Magmic Eagle Eye v1.0

    Magmic Eagle Eye v1.0 Requirements: PPC WM5, WM6 Overview: Save the world and discover the truth before its too late in Eagle Eye. Defuse a terrorist plot and race against time to uncover the truth in this action thriller based on the Dreamworks Pictures and Paramount Pictures movie Eagle Eye...
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    Magmic Scarface v1.0

    Magmic Scarface v1.0 Requirements: Not sure, please comment! Overview: Scarface Money Power Respect Tony Montana is back in MPR! Drive, run and shoot your way through open world missions. First you get Money, then you get Power, then you get Respect! Tony Montana is back with a vengeance! MPR...