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    [UPDATES] Vortex ROM V3 by Andrewwelton [Updated 08/29/09]

    I take no credit for this ROM it was built by Andrewwelton from PPCGeeks. Neither AMJ, nor Andrewwelton, nor PPCGeeks are responsible for your device in any way shape or form. Original thread: Introducing, Vortex ROM by...
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    Windows 7 HAS been RTM I am pleased to announce that Windows 7 has RTMd! As I mentioned previously, RTM officially happens only after sign-off occurs. What happens is a build gets designated as a RTM...
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    John Madden and Al Michaels Commentate

    Madden: Well what we have here is obviously a mismatch. On one side we have this young kid whose experience doesnt extend past trying to hit bathroom ceiling tiles while his opponent has been dominating the game for years. He is going to have to play some good defense if he wants to keep her...
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    Canadian Please

    mWQf13B8epw hahaha, great vid. I can't stop watching it.
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    Amazing Trick Shots: Ranch Edition

    some of these are actually real impressive jJBmQsIJjx8
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    Ricky Gervais is Bambi

    E12gYq6ZjVA hahaha, this shit is so well done
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    Amazing Beat Boxing Girl

    damn, she's good. IAioUkd1aSI
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    Internet Commenter Business Meeting

    hahaha, these guys are so funny, almost all their stuff is great vzgEi_u9-88 Sequel to this video yAGxK7i2E4g
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    Mother of all overreactions hahaha WOW
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    Favourite Quotes

    favourite quotes anyone? two of mine "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are...
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    [BETA] vin255764s 6point5 ROM

    all credit goes to vin255764 for all his work on this ROM original link found here: T2_V4 (WM6.5.1 SYS 23071) This ROM-work-in-progress.If you want something ultrastable-download RED or BLUE T2_V2.They are identical except the skins. Download...
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    [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

    All credit to NFSFAN, original link here AMJ nor NFSFAN are responsible if you brick your device. NFSFAN's 6.5 21864 SYS/XIP V1.00 GENERIC CARRIER ROM HOT OUT OF THE OVEN AND SUPER STABLE!!!!! Fastest WM6.5 ROM FOR...
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    [Theme] PointUI Home 2 BB Storm theme

    I take no credit for this theme QVGA AND VGA it was originally found at A Clean Blackberry Theme. Beta 0.2 With New Icons or Cursor By Request of Volley I'll Be Leaving Beta 0.1(Beta 0.1 Removed) Beta 0.2(Blackberry...
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    Happy birthday to meee

    it's my birthday today YAY!! :llama:
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    Rick Mercer with the CSA

    lmfaooo Rick Mercer gets to go on the "vomit comet" and experience weightlessness apparently he finds it absolutely hysterical, he sorta trashes the interior tBBUq-mEoyw direct link:
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    A Pittance of Time (Remembrance Day movie)

    A Canadian-made video that's been showed at my school the last few years, thought i might share it KYlrrAWCTRg
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    new sig for raybond

    hello all i been a ghost lately i know but i was just wondering if anyone could hook me up with a new sig, preferably underlining me being Canadian. it could also be something to do with the leafs or the raptors if you want (hell you're the designers do what you want and surprise me) thanks
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    [NEW] As Requested : Katherine McPhee

    hope you like it Preview: RS Link:
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    BIG 0 in the W column

    so i just wanted to mention the big goose egg in the red wings' win column, with a loss the leafs tonight :sarcastic_hand:
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    Apple Touchflo2d theme made by Raybond25

    so this being my first touflo2d theme i thought i'd go with something a little easier so i went with the apple theme. i hope to do some more of these in the future. so without further ado here you go.