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  1. D

    Text to speech

    So no one can help guys.....? Sorry if it's a strange request, really need something and theres software out there, just don't want to spend the bucks:nono: can anyone please p...........l.......................e..............a................s.................e...
  2. D

    Text to speech

    Hey Guys, I wanted to pick brains here and see if there was a cool app for my Diamond..text to speech? Did a search can't find anything. Dont want to get into an accident and I'm always on the road reading emails and texts...anyone help? Cheers. D:glasses1:
  3. D

    Destinos Diamond

    Hey Everyone! Just wanted to say hi and this site rocks! I'm one of the first to have received the HTC Diamond in Alberta Canada and I love it! They say that the first batch of phones they send out may have some bugs and difficulties and I have to testify that it is definitely true. I was...
  4. D


    Hey Guys, looking for help with my Diamond. I really want TomTom installed...can someone help? It's with the Telus network in Canada and I'm also looking to install the cool Juicy Rom on it. Cheers, Destino