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    Palm WebOs Wake N Play

    Description Are you a turn off the alarm and then over sleep kinda person? Need something to make sure youre awake? Then check out Wake-N-Play! With Wake-N-Play the alarm wont go off until youve finished answering the five random questions....if you doze off, the alarm sounds again after 45...
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    [NEW] Concert Finder (ad supported

    Description Concert Finder allows you to find concerts going on around the country. You can search for specific artists or browse what concerts are going on in a particular city. The app allows you to keep track of favorite artists, view event photos, get directions to venues, purchase...
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    Pictures of Android Powered Samsung InstinctQ for Sprint Leak

    Thought yall might want to take a look at this.
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    wHOOOOAHHHHH lmfao

    I bet there are plenty of people on here that do that after bricking their phone! LMFAO....... hahahaha THE NOOB GUIDE IS YOUR FRIEND, LOL..... this video and all the others on the channel are nuts, the kid def has some issues! YersIyzsOpc
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    Android OS on my Vogue

    This was the 1st thing I did once I got this Vogue for a tester. Phone was not even unlocked yet. So anyway, I was pretty stocked about it and even though there are many videos of this out I just wanted to share how it looked on mine and I tried to show some of the developer tools that came...
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    SPB Mac OSX Theme QVGA

    Just a quick review of how I set up my theme for Selboriyorker on my Vogue so thought I'd share. nothing special and sorry for the quality not all that great but wanted to give an inside look on the theme for those who haven't used it or sen it in action. I will be posting and doing more reviews...
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    New Android Rom for Vogue soon

    Hey guys, here's a ne Android Rom coming soon hopefully...should be interesting!
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    ON3/\Ls Desktop

    Well my pc is dual booted with xp por 64bit and Windows 7 64bit. This is my Windows 7 desktop. Granted it changes on a daily bases, lol...I don't keep things looking the same for long. That goes for my phone(s) and my PC. Windows 7 is by far the best os I have experienced! It is very nice...
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    PST Tweaks-Boost your Signal strength etc

    Ok, so I was talking w my boy Phe-Nom and thought I would post this. It is nothing new, I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS, I am just passing the info along that I fiound a long time ago. I looked around and didn't see this posted, also, if Phe-nom was asking me this I thought to myself it must not be on...
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    Sprint Blows out Verizon ATT

    Hey this is an interesting article about some major testing that was done here recently on Sprint, AT&T and Verizon for 3G data reliablility and connection speeds as well as connections lost, etc. Sprint killed the competition. AT&T coming in last place. Sprint was up to a 90.5% to where AT&T...
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    Apple on Palm Pre iTunes Sync

    apple responds to PREs ability to sync w/ itunes make sure to tell your PRE ITUNES customers to disable automatic software updates for ITUNES it appears there will be an Apple patch in the future that prevents PRE from syncing wirelessly w/ Itunes that is until PALM updates PRE software to...
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    RIM Unveils Blackberry Tour 9630

    here's some published information on the newest Blackberry scheduled for release this summer & we/Sprint will have it -- this handset was originally called "Niagra" -- the CDMA - GSM version will be called the "Tour" -- the newest and, bound to be, most popular International phone taking...
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    [REVIEW] Palm Pre dissusions/hacks/Jailbreak info

    Here are a couple links of some interesting things I came across on the Pre. This 1st link is about dual-booting the Pre with Android. Might find this interesting.. Not that Android is better than Pre Web Os, it just shows the...
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    Samsung Instinct Screen fix

    So here is a temporary screen fix for anyone who has an Instinct and may be having some screen issues and does not have TEP. Basically take a small pick or something of similar size and wedge in the seem between the screen and the phone on the both sides of device. It is something to do with the...
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    Palm Pre

    Ok so I can't go all into everything as I'm told to not say anything about the Pre until launch. However, I thought I would give you a sneak peak at the new Palm Pre that will be released on June 6th, 2009. Very nice phone btw. Strike 1 for me is not winmo, strike 2 is keyboard (don't care for...
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    Blackberry Graduate Program

    So for those of you who don't know, I work at Sprint and I just wanted to share some info I had that Blackberry is offering right now for new or exsisting customers. It is similar to D/\sh's Best Buy/Mogul Thread. I am not a Blackberry person myself, but I believe this could be benificial to...