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    [CDMA] [ROM] 08/11 11 CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure

    [ROM] 08/11 1.1 - CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure ** I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ROM, THIS WAS ALL MODACO OVER AT XDA, CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL LINK: I'm pleased to present my MoDaCo Custom Hero ROM for the CDMA Hero...
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    Hey guys, So after many days of testing a bunch of shit on my hero, and going back and forth with zinxs amazing programming knowledge in #android-root we were finally able to get the Sprint Hero rooted! woohoo! Visit zinx's site below to download the latest version of the rooting software, its...
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    Touch Pro 2 Review By VenumX

    So here is my (VenumX's) take on the TP vs TP2 debate - Sorta a TP2 Review GENERAL OVERVIEW/SCREEN/TILT So i got my TP2 in today and after messing with it for about an hour my recommendation is, if you've got the money buy it cause the screen looks amazing on this device, also the tilt is...
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    [NEWS] Walt Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment for $4 bn

    Walt Disney to buy Marvel Entertainment for $4 bn Press Trust of India / New York August 31, 2009, 21:46 IST Entertainment major Walt Disney Company will acquire Marvel Entertainment, the firm well known for comics of super heroes, for an estimated $4 billion in a cash and stock deal. The...
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    [INFO] HTC Touch Pro2 spotted again this time with ATT branding

    Yes, that's the AT&T Touch Pro 2 Alright, listen up: we're going to play a little game we like to call, "what carrier isn't getting the Touch Pro2?" Sound easy? Not so fast, partner -- this bad boy gets around like a record, if you know what we're saying. In fact, the beefy, all-business...
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    [RELEASE] midNIGHT v40 9999% Pure WM 65 Titanium ROM (22001/23017)

    I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS ROM THIS IS ALL ptfdmedic AT PPCGEEKS OK. I think I am going to take a slightly different approach to these releases. Instead of numbering my ROM's I am going to name my ROM instead. For example midNIGHT, Singularity ect. I think this will make it easier to...
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    [BETA] Astroflower Remote Desktop and Music Streaming

    Visit Developer webpage: New application that I need you guys to test using Classic Palm OS Emulator.. Remote Access To Your Music And Desktop With AstroApp you can remote control your computer and stream your MP3 music collection in real-time to your...
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    [BETA] Palm Pre Users Help Out Astroflower Software

    Hey guys, I just had a customer come in not too long ago with an issue that I could not resolve in the store. So i need a few of you to help me, help him. He is unable to get a Palm Pre in order to test his Palm application under the Palm OS emulator for Pre. So what I need you guys to do is...
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    [HTC-PRO] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

    Psyki 4 - 090914 CE OS 5.2.23017 (Build 23017.5.3.0) This is a fast, stable, Manila 2.1 ROM built on the 23017 6.5 SYS. Here you will find a unique blend of graphical enhancements as well as high usability and flexibility along with the most up-to-date HTC packages and drivers available...
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    Solar Powered Charging Solution

    Just came accross this Solar Powered USB hub that allows you to charge off of it, check it out: Here are the features: - As a charger to your mobilephones (see note below) - It is a Hybrid Charger (rechargeable by Solar panel and USB Port) - It is 4-port USB 2.0 Hub (backward compliant to...
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    [HELP] Help Get LOOPT on Windows Mobile

    Hey guys, a while ago someone posted this one its basically a request to have Loopt ported to Windows Mobile. For those of you who don't know what loopt is, go here: and check it...
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    [NEW] VenumXs New Sig

    Made a new sig, just testing it out here. Made it in light of the up coming game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Tell me what ya guys think
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    [RELEASE] Smarttweaker v107

    Smarttweaker v1.07 Requirements: WM2002/WM2003/WM2003SE/WM2005 OS and with 220x176 or 320x240 QVGA resolutions Overview: Speed-up & Tune-up your Smartphone! UPDATED with 55 tweaks!! 1. BlueTooth Toggle Key NEW in version 1.07 THIS TWEAK IS FREEWARE! 2. Speed-Boost 3. ClearType Fonts 4...
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    [NEWS] SPJ on Palm Pre

    Yooo VenumX here, just postin this in case anyone was worried about not bein able to access our beloved AMJ site on the Palm Pre. AMJ works flawlessly on the pre was just postin on it earlier...screeenshootttsssss..
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    [HTC-PRO] |H|ROM|653|WWE| EnergyROM Phoenix 2 (28005/21877 |Nov27| Sense 21

    ** I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ROM, THIS ROM WAS CREATED BY NRGZ28 @ PPCGEEKS ** Welcome to my kitchen! Here's what's on the menu today... This is an HTC Herman CDMA ROM, based on Windows Mobile 6.5. The current build number and date can be seen in the title of this thread. I always build my...
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    [UPDATES] [ 052409 ] [ WindowsBuild 21234 ] MightyROM5

    ** I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THIS ROM, THIS ROM WAS CREATED BY MIGHTYMIKE ** If you appreciate MightyMike's work, please donate MightyROM5 [ Download MightyROM5 ] [May.24.09] Windows 21234 Build 21234 [ .. ] Updated Voice Recorder [ .. ] Updated Camera [ .. ] Updated Google Maps [ .. ]...
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    Sprint Touch Pro In-Stock Online 1/17/09

    Hey guys just posting the great news!! Sprint Touch Pro is now available on again!! :D check it out!
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    [NEW] ThrottleLock Diamond/Pro Theme

    Hey guys I just got sick of not having everything match my pretty sweet default theme for the diamond so I made a ThrottleLock skin to go along with it. I only spent a few minutes on it like maybe 20 so its not amazing but its pretty decent. hope you all like it, give me feedback...
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    WTT: Touch Diamond for Touch Pro

    Hey guys, Im just wondering if anyone wants to trade. I currently have a HTC Touch Diamond and would like to switch to the Touch Pro. If anyone is interested I have the original box and the phone is in great condition, with a guranteed clean ESN. If you are interested either respond to this...
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    Lets Get Steamy

    Hey guys we have a few other threads for PS3 gamertags and xbox 360 gamertags so this is a thread to get everyones steam user id. This is what i am on most often because its what i use for school - working with the halflife game engine; so im on all the time. if you want to add me my steam id is...