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    Devils Rejects

    As per request heres Devils rejects Re-upped
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    Bimmer 745

    This is for my homie lol aint the best but I wasn't too sure if I kould even attach seein as how my komp n the site aint been agreeing on much lately lol Nah attaching didn't work lol so here it is in its rapidshare glory
  3. V

    after flashing

    So after I flashed my phone and load all my programs back up it asks to be reset so after I soft reset it goes bak into boot menu lol whats goin on ?
  4. V


    Uh yea the Suns window might have just been shut tonight lol
  5. V

    Robot CHicken

    This is a funny ass show
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    Space Ghost

    Enjoy Yo for some reason I jsut noticed that alot of m screen captures r cut short ? hmm I gotta look into that sorry guys n gals
  7. V

    Guns N Roses

    these guys kicked ass wish they were still together
  8. V

    Pink Floyd

    Well If u like em then enjoy
  9. V


    Does anyone know if its possible to obtain Iano or that Iguitar or even that MPC drum kit for the touch?
  10. V

    Mariah Carey

    Just like honey ...... enjoy
  11. V

    Kate Beckinsale

    Ooh the sexy Kate Beckinsale
  12. V

    what it dew

    what it dew baby
  13. V

    lost souls

    land of the lost souls
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    Masuimi Max

    Dayum she so fine
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  16. V


    Heres My Version lol Hope U like
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    PinUp Girl V.3

    Aight this is Version Tre I like em all and of kourse I would say that ... I made em lol uh Dont forget to hit all the buttons ya Know , rep me , thank me = ]
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    Pin Up Girl 2

    version 2 Hope ya like
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    Pin- Up girl 1

    Just some Nostalgia
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    Hello Kitty

    Yea For my females