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  1. D

    [Theme] TF7X-by-PROBEX

    I cant seem to get the main tf3d blue. mine is black but when I scroll thru it turns blue. How exactly do I make it blue. I found the 3 in mydocuments. do I save it as background or somethin? Thanks.
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    Speereo Voice Translator v4.0

    Re: Speereo Voice Translator v40 just downloaded it. everything works fine for me. Dash you should have an area where people can ask basic/dumb questions answered and charge like $1 per answer given. You would make a fortune lol.
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    accelerometer games for touch pro

    i wish the new levels of teeter would work on the tp and not just the diamond and omnia.
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    FREE Touch PRO upgrade with TEP if you have the MOGUL

    i ordered mine sunday night and it arrived tuesday. mine came wit 2 batteries. is that normal or did i get lucky lol.
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    Step-by-Step Answers on Preparing Your NEW Mogul for the HTC Diamond Interface/Theme

    Re: Step-by-Step Answers on Preparing Your NEW Mogul for the HTC Diamond Interface/Theme lol dash u just beat me to it. lol
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    Step-by-Step Answers on Preparing Your NEW Mogul for the HTC Diamond Interface/Theme

    Re: Step-by-Step Answers on Preparing Your NEW Mogul for the HTC Diamond Interface/Theme you have to sign up for skyfire. that takes forever to get well at least it took me forever. i signed up in february and didnt get mine till the end of last month. i like it though because i can watch...
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    PPC App Request

    lol thats hilarious but in a way almost sad
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    Sprint Users: Want a working Picture Mail site? Here you go! WM6 ONLY

    i only have problems with sending 2mp pics but everything else works fine
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    Brand New Mogul Vs. Upgraded Mogul

    sweet. they said it will be in the store on friday and i can pick it up. i have a lot of apps/games but i have to now where i can install it all back on in a lil over an hour so thats no big deal. thanks guys
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    Brand New Mogul Vs. Upgraded Mogul

    Ok so heres the situation. I have had my mogul since Christmas and now its messed up. Its nothing serious. The problem is my stylus wont stay in and when you shut the keyboard it goes in too far where the top kinda sticks out a lil. I took it to the Sprint to fix and they said there is no way to...
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    WebCamera Plus v.2.0

    lol i feel like such a noob. i had to select webcam plus in the drop down in the yahoo options. it was still on my mobiola old one. thanx xxdbkxx.
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    WebCamera Plus v.2.0

    has anyone confirmed that this works on the mogul cuz i still havent got it to work? when i try to pull up with yahoo it just says Ready with no picture.
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    PPC App Request

    so why does it say money back guarantee?
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    Spb Mobile Shell V2 B 3286

    dang i entered in the password and it was wrong? tried to download the second but looks like they hated and took it off.
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    Web Camera v 1.4

    are you sure the keygen works cuz when i tried to download it said trojan found and download stopped.
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    XM Radio MobiTV and MusicID Unlimited

    Re: XM Radio, MobiTV, and MusicID Unlimited! this is awsome. i just have one question tho when i use the music id do i have to soft reset or just for the xm radio and mobitv? thanks again!
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    Hi from dmoneyitg

    Hi dmoneyitg, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...