Search results

  1. T

    skyfire is here!

    Wow....Thanks man, got my sms in about 5 secs. Had to make a new email tho cuz I got the "already registered" thing at first.
  2. T

    Memory Card

    Thanks DASH, BA site keep it up!
  3. T

    Memory Card

    Oh, sorry I got a touch now
  4. T

    Memory Card

    I know that the sprint website says that 4GB is the biggest card that is compatible, but has anyone tried anything bigger? If so how did it work? What is the biggest you can use?
  5. T

    Memory Card

    What does "SD" branded mean? like Sandisk? or just has to have SD on it?
  6. T

    D/\SH'S 6700 AKA Apache Mods With Links

    File not found for the ultimate search
  7. T

    What Program Is That Big Clock And Tabs In My ScreenShots?

    No matter what options I choose and save my background never changes from what I had it set as before I ever downloaded HHC. The only thing that ever changed when using HHC is that it deleted my clock! Now even after removing the program I can't get my clock back
  8. T

    What Program Is That Big Clock And Tabs In My ScreenShots?

    Got everything downloaded and installed. I run htc home customiser, choose everything that I want and press save. It goes right out to the home screen and nothing has changed execpt now I have no time at all in the upper right corner on the home screen. If anything could help me at least just...
  9. T

    HTC Home Customizer v1.0 BETA 5

    Hey, I need the .netCF 2.0 to open HTC Home customizer, but when I dl to my card and try to open it on my phone it says "run the app. first, then open this file from within the app. Where do I put it? Thanks
  10. T

    Hi from thegriff01

    Hi thegriff01, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...