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  1. T

    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    i would help but i'm not creative at all :-(
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    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    True but I want a special one remember? ;)
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    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    Re AMJ Tshirts glow in the dark would be kinda scary for some :frown:
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    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    Re Re AMJ Tshirts we all appreciate your hard work on the t shirts and hope to get them soon. yay! :blob1:
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    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    Re Re AMJ Tshirts is that like with our names in there? i cant see a thing lol :arrogant:
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    I showed you mine Now show me yours

    Re I showed you mine Now show me yours oh haha silly elboriyorker. all guns need to be cleaned every once in a while after use. it sucks your wife says no to guns. it's actually not that bad. i always tell him no too but it never works :mad-tongue:
  7. T

    I showed you mine Now show me yours

    yup .22s are the cheapest to shoot. in fact, we stockpiled on a bunch lol before the price hikes. just haven't had time to use it
  8. T

    I showed you mine Now show me yours

    what kind is that? it's cute lol i got walther p22s n sig mosquito n bunch of rifles
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    [READ ME] SPJ T-shirts

    i want a shirt! 2 actually :-)
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    [NEWS] Are dummy phones turning away potential customers?

    Re Are dummy phones turning away potential customers true true therefore we can never get a perfect phone :sad:
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    [NEWS] Are dummy phones turning away potential customers?

    but sometimes later generations are better cuz they work out the kinks of the previous ones
  12. T

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    Re OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game :sad: wat bout tweety? i dont wanna go class haha wanna go home but then i gotta work :sad:
  13. T

    Ban Game

    Re Ban Game dash should be banned cuz he doesn't have enough :wink:
  14. T

    This or that

    stuffed crust of course wwf or mma (just learned bout it)
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    sprint insurance question

    i think it's gonna take forever since tp is still new and still selling in stores n online
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    I Win

    sorry babe..but i gotta take it from u since i gotta go class now so i win
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    How do we get to games/apps now

    wow..i never noticed those buttons but i see it too!
  18. T

    awaken my apache from the grave

    Re awaken my apache from the grave i should probably do that myself but last time i used a custom it froze my phone for good..not even a soft reset could help :/ had to flash again so just stuck with stock. but do not let this deter you OP! icustoms are great...side note..where r u my dear?
  19. T

    awaken my apache from the grave

    Re awaken my apache from the grave look here and here
  20. T

    [Theme] PheNoms Liquid Chrome tf3d2

    very nice phe! cant wait for your next one