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    [RELEASE] VidaOne MyPersonalDiet v420

    I'm really fat. lol
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    Skyfire v10012113 [UPDATE JULY 1 2009]

    Re: Skyfire 10 Final is out [UPDATE MAY 27 2009] Working fine now. I gave it a day and a soft reset. Best browser 3var! The new zooming if clutch.
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    Skyfire v10012113 [UPDATE JULY 1 2009]

    Re: Skyfire 10 Final is out [UPDATE MAY 27 2009] I've got problems. it times out on a lot of pages with a 404 error and it's real slow to load most pages. I'm running a custom 6.5 rom I cooked with build OS for a HTC Touch. I'll give it a little while then try a hard reset.
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    Handheld Audio Spectrum Analyzer (HASA) v2.2

    Re: Handheld Audio Spectrum Analyzer (HASA) v22 any luck finding it?
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    Handheld Audio Spectrum Analyzer (HASA) v2.2

    Re: Handheld Audio Spectrum Analyzer (HASA) v22 I could really use this at work. Any chance we can get an update or a fixed link?
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    I love my phone

    I don't know how I lived without windows mobile and wisbar advanced desktop. Sorry, but I just wanted to share.:connie_mini_hotairb
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    PPC App Request

    Sorry, I'm a dumbass. I didn't have it configed properly.
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    PPC App Request

    The crack does work fine. However, that version of the program doesn't allow for radar and moon phase updates. To reenable the updates you have to change the .dll. This breaks the crack. The only reason I want to use this program is to show my local radar in a Today plugin. I can't do this...
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    PPC App Request

    Can we get a new crack for Weatherpanel? When you replace the weatherpanel.dll file from the fix it uncracks the program. Thank you
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    Hey guys. I'm Asher from upstate New York. I voted for Spitzer and have a Sprint Touch. If I new I could geek out this hard with windows mobile I would have gotten a ppc ages ago.
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    Hi from asherizm

    Hi asherizm, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...