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  1. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    i saw "the box" on friday night, bc the girls we were there with thought it sounded good....they were wrong. HOLY SH*T, it was actually SOOOOO bad. i advise everyone to NOT see it. The highlight would be one part where some creepy valet writes "no exit" on the people's window, but even that was...
  2. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    i'm still MIA bc i haven't got my new computer kit yet, supposed to be here by the 12th, thank god! been at least a month without the computer and it's been pretty much the equivalent of death.
  3. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game there you go dashy :) sorry it took so long, i'm doing my bio homework, only reason i'm allowed to touch my dad's lappy, lol
  4. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    can't wait to be back :) --------- New Post Merged on 1/11/2009 at 02:19:49 -------- already picked out my OS, posted here thanks to weesje, i'm thinking windows "8" ultimate, looks pretty awesome and is 64-bit.
  5. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    finally got my pc picked out and it should be delivered by the 12th
  6. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    there's a baseball team called the Mets?!?!
  7. R

    [BETA] vin255764s 6point5 ROM

    Re Re vin255764s 6point5 ROM its for the vogue
  8. R

    I Win

    this win is for cam harvey, great guy who passed away in a car accident today.
  9. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    R.I.P. Cam Harvey. Go WCSS Wolves.
  10. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    well if this actually does fly i might have to seriously consider taking a jump down and taking school wherever your store is :D
  11. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    well if you don't make it big you'll probably be doneskis by the time i'm ready to join up, that's all i meant lol
  12. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    well, if you make it big i just hope you'll have a spot on your staff for me :)
  13. R

    [BETA] vin255764s 6point5 ROM

    I have FINALLY updated this, :lol: my computer is out of commission, i'm on my dad's lappy just catching up a bit, but hopefully in a week or two i'll have a desktop back up
  14. R

    [MUST-READ] DASHT To Open Cell Shop

    i vote that after a while you can expand to the great white north and promote me to northern manager, what d'you think? lmaoo
  15. R

    [HTC-TOUCH] Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue

    Re: Updated Oct 12th NFSFANs WM65 ROM v16 Build 23001 (Vogue) updated the first post with the fix provided by NFSFAN for the weather on the home page for you :)
  16. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    desktop preferably, and really i just want to spend as little money as possible for a system with dual-core 2+ghz processor. I can add memory and replace an HD myself.
  17. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    ****ing computer is done, having to do any schoolwork on my dad's lappy, but outside of that i'm out of luck and don't have any money for a new system. anyone see any really sick deals lemme know in a PM, bc i REALLY need a new system, even if its really basic. Just something to use until i can...
  18. R

    I Win

    i win because i'm partaking in a great festivity with a really hot exchange student from denmark tonight :highfive:
  19. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    I might have H1N1, ****. Gotta go in for a diagnostic chest x-ray tomorrow morning and wait for some test results before i know for sure though :/
  20. R

    OUTPOST D/\SH WAS 1 Million Post Game

    yes it is, the anterior cruciate ligament is torn. There's a university a couple hrs away that's renowned for it's veterinary program and they often do surgeries for like, half price so we're gonna look into that. But if that doesn't work out then it's down to giving him to someone who can pay...