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    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    Thanks. Is there a Verizon version that is better? I just want to do it right the first time.
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    Kaos Mogul Hybrid Take 5 wm 61 gps Reva

    Still new. Will this work for Verizon PPC 6800? If not what is the best GPS I can get for my phone.
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    Glass Vista Theme for SPB MS 2.1 by DOC3000

    УУУУ даже по русски пашет... ÐÃеня Прет...
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    WM7 Theme

    Yea, ecactly! my advice is that good! ))) you only need me few times to clear the air )))) also id like to be in charge of a happy button, since i am trigger happy id like to be in charge of deleting stupid peoples posts...... hehehe ohh man that would be fun. other than that, im only kidding homes!
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    WM7 Theme

    thanks for the support dash ))) im seriously thinking with my helpful advice i should be a moderator here haha ))
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    WM7 Theme

    Also Huge advice for anyone who cant get this app to work....... 1) make sure you upload all the correct apps to the phone. 2) make sure you do a soft reset 3)Double check that you have all your apps uploaded 4)Disconnect your htc touch/mogul from the computer, 5)Take your HTC Mogul/touch to a...
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    WM7 Theme

    I think i got it ))) Wooot! :yahoo: after about 2 hours..... I knew Watching Indiana Jones (girls make you do crazy things) for 2 hours would do me Some good. Indeed. P.s. i know you cant fix everyones problem with vids, but you can always fix just mine, that being said i think that alone will...
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    Mobitv is saying that i need to subscribe??

    Some peoples Kids ehh ?
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    WM7 Theme

    crap man some one got to make a vid on how to update this thing. i think im one of the few people who cant get this beeeyatch to work.... for example as previously posted, u have to go to each program setting and change the themes... how do u change the theme for the keyboard? or r|today ...
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    WM7 Theme

    DASH, big thanks man...really. it was late i cant believe i didnt think that marsware was a app ))) sorry mang. Late nights get the best of us.
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    WM7 Theme

    yea i just did that..... still no change... dang i kinda wished for that weather screen too.... oh well thanks anyways Big. I appreciate your time... ehh i dont have any more patience to deal with this crap for today. its friggen 2 am. if anyone has a solution to my delema please let me know...
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    WM7 Theme

    yea i just did that..... still no change... dang i kinda wished for that weather screen too.... oh well thanks anyways Big. appreciate your time... ehh i dont have any more patience to deal with this crap for today. its friggen 2 am. if anyone has a solution to my delema please let me know...
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    WM7 Theme

    so just extract the Weather Panel folder to program files? and be done with it ?
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    WM7 Theme

    Big i actually did read and found out i was sitting on 2.0 shell, so i upgraded before your reply. still i dont see a marsware folder anywhere on the cell. any ideas? do i even need that folder ?
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    WM7 Theme

    also the folder marsware does not exist to drop things in to it. unless you want me to create one. i have no ideas. sorry if my question is redundant or even sounds ignorant.
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    WM7 Theme

    Dash, heres the thing, everything is as easy as it sounds. i did as told, copied and pasted all that was in the rar. only one thing. the screen for the weather is nothing like it seems on the screen shot, as matter of fact i dont think it changed at all, i kinda wished for the circle with the...
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    Skype For Mobile Windows

    hey guys, help me out. i downloaded skype for my mogul, when u press the skype logo error appears saying Could'nt find necessary files to start skype, please try to install skype again. installed 4 diff cabs from 4 diff sites, still does not work, and the phone is fresh with no other apps...
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 2

    ehhh.. fee's OWN3 me ))) ill figure it out))
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 2

    Hey bro, How do i get rid of the images of flippin the bird? among other things so it looks as stock as possible?
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    Hi from Bystrov

    Hi Bystrov, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...