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  1. V

    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    sorry, i have the mogul and i was trying to install take 3 enhanced... i started with Titan_Radio_ROM_3[1].42.30 the .exe and had the same error. It seems like its communicating and it brings up the % bars on both the pc and phone but stays at 0% and then after about a min or two it comes back...
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    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    im running rom ver 3.356.651.0 and radio 3.42.02 w/ win 6.1
  3. V

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    Hi DASH, I have been trying to load this on my mogul, when i try with the cable install it tells me that i have a communications error, and when i try it on the sd card it just sits there with loading... when im trying to install the radio version. what do you think is the problem?
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    [READ ME] Flashing Roms Custom And Stock

    i have been trying to do this but have been getting a communications error during the rom update utility ver. and then it goes into recovery mode, but i never need to recover because the phone boots fine. it does bring up the percentage bar on both the pc and the phone, what could be...
  5. V

    Hi from vcg5090

    Hi vcg5090, Welcome to You are now part of our Online Community where you can interact with 1000's of Mobile Phone users! Here are five quick links to help you get Started: 1) Rules & Guidelines (Please read our Forum Rules before posting) 2) New to...