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  1. K

    Post Your 2009 Halloween Pics HERE

    lol those some BIG gold teeth. Nice costume bro
  2. K

    [RELEASE] Mobiion MagiCall v224

    Re Mobiion MagiCall v224 This is a great program to have on your phone, especially for when u just dont want to talk to certain ppl. I would recommend this to any and everybody
  3. K

    out of the 4 major carriers which is the best 1

    Well Im wit sprint and have been with them for about 6 yrs now and I would say the reception in my area is great, there customer service is also. But like maybe 5-6 months ago my lil sister wanted a phone and she wanted it to be wit Tmobile so I went ahead and got it for her. Remember this is...
  4. K

    spj toolbar

    Yea i also have to agree wit u too, while it doesnt bother me but i just dont use it
  5. K

    [HTC-Diamond] |V|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Oct 25th | Mani

    Re: |65|WWE| EnergyROM Genesis (23016) || Built Sep 6 ||Manila 21 Hey jr5416, I done a lil reading and i found this, i tried it and it worked but instead of using the Arcsoft stated I tried JD Arcsoft and then it worked
  6. K

    [HTC-Diamond] |V|ROM|651|WWE| EnergyROM Photon (23081/21864 | Oct 25th | Mani

    Re: |6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** || Built Sep 6 ||Manila 2.1 Is anyone else having this issue with this rom, like i can send picture mail but for some reason I cant receive any. If anyone knows a fix can u please help me out. Sry if I overlooked this in this post.
  7. K

    [INFO] Dash back on the ps3

    jr5416 I added you so when u get back on ur PS3 u should have a friend request
  8. K

    [INFO] Dash back on the ps3

    jr5416 I have both if u put up your PSN name so i can add u and we can get a game going
  9. K

    [INFO] Dash back on the ps3

    Hey Dash, I just added you my PSN is MO_CITY985
  10. K

    [NEW] PS3 Slim Unboxing and Games/Accessory

    Man this one looks so much better that the bigger ones makes me wish i would have waited for a slim PS3. And that Oblivion is awesome you will luv it!!
  11. K


    Re: Cyber weesje windows 7 RTM ACTIVATED looking good bro...... i mite have to upgrade too
  12. K

    [HTC-PRO] *Updated Nov 25th* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5 ROMs

    Re: Updated July 31st NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs 336mogul, sry bro I seen his post and it said he had a mogul so i was triin to point him in the right direction
  13. K

    Every Third Word

    running man............
  14. K

    [HTC-PRO] *Updated Nov 25th* NFSFAN's Custom WM6.5 ROMs

    Re: Updated July 31st NFSFANs Custom WM65 ROMs qrazy08, bro why are u so lost? If u need help on flashing u should check this page out. and heres a 6.5 rom for the mogul and its pretty smooth...
  15. K

    Kaos's Fuck Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3

    Re: Kaoss Sprint Custom rom Build 420 Take 3 Brandon851 here u go bro
  16. K

    DASH's WM 6.5 Sprint Mogul 6800

    Re: DASHs WM 65 Sprint Mogul 6800 MACscr, I have this rom on my gurls mogul, with maybe like 7-9 installed programs and it running just as fast as Dash's. Did u hardreset and take the battery out after u flashed?
  17. K

    [MUST-READ] My Boy KLEAN freestlye

    Yo ya boy got skills fa real, he was goin hard
  18. K

    Dancing Latin Doll

    lol yea man i had to show my gurl this, she was like play it again
  19. K

    Dancing Latin Doll

    lmao hell yea that doll was gettin it
  20. K

    [Theme] D/\SH's True Green NFSFAN Special Edition

    Re: D/\SHs True Green NFSFAN Special Edition dash this one looking good bro